Chapter 4

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Dorothy tugs on her denim jacket as she hurries down the stairs after Ginny, "Ginny, wait." She calls as she attempts to tie her lace and hop down the stairs.

At the last step she goes to put her foot down but trips and ends up falling right into Fred, "Ow, Dottie! How are you the best Chaser in Gryffindor but can barely walk in a straight line?"

She offers a sheepish smile and gets to her feet holding a hand out for him, "Sorry, Freddie. Have you seen my Hogwarts letter? I could have sworn I had it."

George walks up behind her and plucks it from her back pocket. She offers another grin and takes the letter, "Thank you."

"Where's your cloak?" Percy questions making the trio roll their eyes.

She shrugs and opens her mouth as George shoves a piece of toast in for her, she runs towards the others that are waiting. "Right, here we are Harry, you go first, dear."

Dorothy wipes the crumbs from her hands and double checks to see if she has her letter, George holds it in front of her and she quickly takes it, shoving it deep into her pocket.

"But, Harry's never travelled by Floo Powder before, Mum."

Everyone looks over, a little shocked, "Floo Powder?" Harry repeats.

"Oh, well, you go first Ron, so that Harry can see how it's done."

Ron takes a hand full of the powder that Molly held out towards him. He took his place in the fire and threw the powder at the floor, "Diagon Alley!" A green flame engulfs the youngest Weasley boy making Harry jump back in surprise.

"You see?"

"Shall I go first, Molly? To make sure there's someone there for them?"

Molly nods thankfully and holds out the pot, "Don't worry, Harry, you don't feel a thing." She assures before repeating what Ron had done and appearing at Diagon Alley.

She sees Ron waving at her from afar and runs over to him, "Told your mother I'd wait with you." She trips on her way over and stumbles on her feet making Ron go to reach out but she quickly catches herself.

Next George and then Fred appears, "Where's Harry?"

"He didn't come through."

After everyone else is through Molly and Arthur look around, "Where's Harry?"

"He knows his way around, Molly, dear. We'll just have to meet him at Gringotts or somewhere."


Dorothy skips into Flourish and Bolts with Ginny by her side, the pair chat away about Gilderoy Lockhart with Molly chiming in every so often.

The twins walk behind them rolling their eyes at the two smitten teenagers, "You know he's a fake."

"He's a bloody pretty one." Dorothy says with a grin earning a groan from them.

"Oh, Harry, thank Goodness! We hoped you'd only gone a grate too far." Molly says as the Potter walks up behind them.

Dorothy smiles at him as he walks up beside her, he returns he smile but before either can say anything cheers begin to erupt, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!"

"Mum fancies him." Ron says leaning over to Harry.

Molly gasps and hits Ron's shoulder making him and Harry laugh quietly. Dorothy is shoved aside by a man with a very large camera, she growls under her breath and attempts to grip her wand but Fred and George are quick to snatch it away before a hex can be thrown the man's way.

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