Chapter 10

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Dorothy shivers as she waits to walk onto the Quidditch pitch, "Right, we ready?" Oliver calls.

"Wood, I'm freezing my arse off, let's just go."

"Right then." They walk out in a single file line, the harsh wind hits them making Dorothy wrap her arms around herself.

"You cold" George asks wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they listen to Madam Hooch.

She nods, "Always."

They mount their brooms and fly up into the sky waiting on the whistle, "And they're off, Malfoy has the Quaffel."

Dorothy tilts her broom up and flies over the Hufflepuff chaser to score the first goal, "Goal for Gryffindor. 10-0!"

She grins and continues to fly around the game, scoring a few more goals and listening to the chants of her teams name.

A flash of lightening casts a shadow over her as she sees a speck ok red falling, "Harry?"


Wood didn't get to finish as she had already flew in Harry's direction. She dives downwards reaching her arm out to catch Harry, but the Hufflepuff Beater sends a Bludger her way hitting her arm just as she grabs a hold of Harry.

Dumbledore lifts his hand stopping the pair from completely hitting the ground.

Dorothy gasps in pain and grips her arm to her chest, her fingers coat in blood from the large scratch caused by her broom, she looks over at Harry who is unconscious, "Dot? Dot? You okay?"

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. Is Harry?"


Dorothy sits on a Hospital bed swinging her legs and humming to herself as Madam Pomfrey wraps her wrist, "Since you refuse to drink my potions-"

"No offence, but they taste disgusting, I'd rather heal the Muggle way. I don't have a game for another month or two, plenty of time to heal." She grins.

The Healer rolls her eyes. Being the clumsy person she is, Dorothy has spent many nights in the Hospital Wing, and every time she has refused any kind of potions from the older witch, and every time her excuse would be, 'They taste disgusting'. But they both know that's not her real reason.

George sits beside her, swinging his legs back and forth as the others stand between her and Harry's bed, half looking at her and the other half Harry, switching every few minutes to check on the other.

Dorothy grimaces at the blood on her sleeve, "Weasley," Madam Pomfrey says snapping his attention away from Dorothy, "Make sure she changes her bandages in the morning." She hands him a bag of bandages and he nods watching her walk off.

George shakes his head with a chuckle, "What?"


"Georgie." She whines.

He rolls his eyes and gets to his feet offering her his hand, she raises a brow and pouts. "You know that could be fixed within minutes if you just drank the potion..."

"I'm not drinking the potion." She says in a sing-song voice as she approaches Harry's bed and readjusts her sling around her neck.

He rolls his eyes and stands beside her as the others crowd around. "Do you think he'll be alright?"

"He looks a bit peaky, don't he?"

"Peaky? What do you expect? He fell over 100 feet."

"Yeah, we'll throw you off the tower and see what you look like."

"Probably better than normal."

The group grin as Harry sits up on his elbows, "What happened to you?" He asks nodding to Dorothy's arm.

"Broke her arm trying to save you." Ron answers before she can.

"Potions?" He asks.

"Potions." Everyone confirms as Dorothy rolls her eyes.

"Hey, Ron doesn't like spiders, I don't like potions." She defends.


She crosses her arms over her chest and shrugs, "I have my reasons."

Hermione sits on the bed and looks at Harry, "How are you feeling?"


"You gave us a right good scare there, mate." George says tapping his shoulder.

Harry sits up fully resting his back against the bed frame, "What happened?"

"Well, you fell of your broom." Dorothy begins.

"Really?" He asks sarcastically, "I meant the match. Who won?"

"Nobody blames you, Harry. But you and Dorothy were both out which means we only had five players. And the Dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you both, he sent them off." Hermione explains.

Ron steps forward and gulps slightly, "Therese er... something else you should know, too, Harry. When you fell, your broom, it sort of..."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, Ronald, your broom flew into the Whomping Willow, Harry." Dorothy explains bluntly.

"We're sorry, Harry," Ron says uncovering the broom, "But the only person fast enough to save it was a little... preoccupied." He says gesturing to Dorothy's broken arm.

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