Chapter 10

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"Ho, ho, ho," Molly says as she leads Arthur into the kitchen, "Daddy's back. Sit down everybody, sit."

The group sit down, Dorothy quickly runs into the kitchen, tripping over the mat and stumbling into the table, she winces, "Sorry."

She sighs and quickly sits beside Hermione and opposite Ginny, trying to catch her breath. She just spent the last four hours devising a new Quidditch strategy since she now has a new team.

"That's it, now presents."

"And a nice big box for Ron."

"Fred and George..." Molly pauses and switches which person she gives each person to until thrusting each present into their hands. The pair swap the presents when their mothers not looking and unwrap a scarf each.

He hands Ginny and Hermione their presents as Ron holds up his jacket, "Thanks, Mum."

"And, here you are, Dottie. Oh, and Harry, dear."

She hands Harry his present which is a knitted hat.

Dorothy unwraps the orange wrapping paper to find a pair of fluffy socks. She smiles happily and pulls off her slipper to slip on the socks, she lifts her feet in the air and kicks them around hitting her cup over as she does, "Sorry."

"A Christmas toast," Arthur says raising his glass, "To Harry Potter, without whom I would not be here."


They chat as they eat their dinner eventually Sirius and Harry return taking their seats and joining in the conversation. "So, how's Quidditch going, Elton?" Sirius asks.

Dorothy places her fork down and clasps her hands in front of her "Would be great, except now I have to find three new players and come up with new plans." She says glaring at the twins and Harry who had gotten banned from Quidditch by Umbridge.

"We said we're sorry!" They all say in usion.

"I have to stick with Davies because he's the only one remotely good, I think I'm just going to throw myself off the stands next practice." She admits.

"You're more likely to fall out of the stands than you are throw yourself off." Ron mutters. She shoots him a playful look and he grins back at her. He shrugs, "What? It's true!" He defends.


Dorothy tucks her jeans into her new socks and then pulls her boots on, she gets to her feet, linking arms with Hermione as they skip towards the door and into the snow, "Hat."

"Hat." She repeats as Fred tosses her hat to her.

"Scarf." George says with a grin as he wraps the red scarf around her.

Ginny, Ron and Harry are already outside making a large snowman. Dorothy takes a hand full of snow and throws it at the twins.

They both turn to her with large mischievous grins making her smirk drop, thy chase after her, large piles of snow in their hands as she runs down the street. "I'm sorry!"

"Not good enough!"

The trio begin to have their own snowball war, eventually, Ginny and Ron join Dorothy's side while Harry join's the twins.

Hermione stands to the side, ducking to avoid a snow ball every now and then until one hits her in the chest. She turns to glare at Harry who freezes, she picks up a pile of snow and tosses it at the brunette.

"That's not fair, four against three!"


After a long day of building snow men and snowball fights, Dorothy sits in front of the fire reading, like usual. Hermione, who usually joins her along with Remus, is upstirs doing last minute homework and Remus is currently out somewhere unknown to the others.

She sighs and flips the page, she looks up when she senses a presence and shoots a smile to Sirius. "Hey, Elton."

"When are you going to stop calling me that?"

"When are you going to stop listening to him?"


"So, never."

She shakes her head and flicks the page over, "I know I didn't give you a present for Christmas-"

She rolls her eyes at him, "You didn't need to get me a present for anything."

"I've got you something, I just didn't want to give it to you in front of everyone."

She places her book down as he hands her a small black box, "This has been in the family for generations. The next person it was supposed to go to was your mother, then it would have been given to you, and you'll give it to your kids."

She opens the case to reveal a beautiful black rose ring. She smiles at it and carefully slips it onto her hand, "Where did you-?"

"It was my mother's, she never had a daughter so she planned on giving it to your mother, it would have gone to Dromeda but she married Ted, so it went to Narcissa."

"Thank you, it's beautiful."

He smiles and nods, as he passes he pats her on the head. She sits, admiring the beautiful ring on her hand.

George apparates besides her making a squeal escape her lips. She hits him with the pillow from beside her, "Don't do that!"

He chuckles and falls into the spot beside her, moments later, Leia comes running down the stairs, realising George had left her, she jumps up in the spot between them and curls up.

Dorothy pats the dogs head and George rests his arm behind her head, "What you reading?"

"Hunger Games Catching Fire."

"Read to me?"

"I'm halfway through the chapter, and I'm not starting again."

He shrugs, "I just like listening to your voice."

She clears her throat and sighs, "Alone in the kitchen with Gale, I sit on Hazell's stool holding his hand-"

George readjust himself so he's laying with his head in her lap, she leans backwards, resting one hand on his chest that holds the book and the other on his head to play with his red locks.

"After a while my fingers find his face. I touch parts of him I have never had the cause to touch before. His heavy, dark eyebrows-" As she reads she traces her finger across his brows, "The curve of his cheek-" She runs a thumb across his cheekbone causing him to smile a little, "The line of his nose-" George giggles a little as she lightly drags her pinkie finger down his nose.

"The hollow of the base of his neck-" She drags the back of her hand down his face and towards his neck, "I trace the outline of his stubble on his jaw-" She shrugs when she feels his jaw and finds to stubble making him roll his eyes, "And finally work my way to his lips."

She swallows the small lump forming in her throat and moves the book to cover her rising blush, "Soft and full, slightly chapped. His breath warms my chilled skin." George grabs her hand that has found place in his hair again and blows on her fingers lightly making her giggle.

"Does everyone look younger asleep? Because right now he could be the boy I ran into in the woods years ago, the one who accused me of stealing from his traps. What a pair we were- fatherless, frightened, but fiercely committed, too, to keeping our families alive. Desperate, yet no longer alone after that day, because we'd found each other."

"I think of a hundred moments in the woods, lazy afternoons fishing, the day I taught him how to swim, that time I twisted my knee and he carried me home. Mutually counting on each other, watching each other's backs, forcing each other to be brave..."

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