Chapter 6

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Dorothy holds her books close to her chest as she walks through the courtyard with her usual skip in her step.

"Miss Dorothy Malfoy?" Someone asks as she passes.

"Yes, Professor? You can call me Dottie, Professor, everyone else does."

"Very well then, Dottie. Professor Dumbledore tells me you have a passion for Care of Magical Creatures. Is that right?" Professor Lupin asks.

Dorothy nods with a smile on her face, "I was wondering if you'd be able to help me. There's been a Boggart spotted in the Greenhouses. Dumbledore has advised me to get help and it seems Hagrid thinks you're best for the job."

"Of course, Professor," She says following him towards the Greenhouses, "I actually studied up on Boggarts a few years ago. Interesting creatures." She tells him.

He nods, shoving his hands into his pockets as they continue to walk, "I've always wondered what they look like. I've imagined them to be dark, hairy creatures. But I also like to think they're a colourful creature, like a rainbow. Like, they won't be scary if they don't know you're fear."

"Well, you're the first to think of such a scary creature to be a rainbow, I can tell you that."

"I bet Professor Sprout had quite the scare this morning when a Boggart appeared in her greenhouse. It was probably her forgetting to water her plants and them dying."

Lupin chuckles and nods, "She did look a little shaken up."

"What are we doing with it? When we catch it?" She asks as she places her books into her satchel.

"I'm going to use it, for my third year class, your brother is in that class, isn't he?"

She nods thinking about her pale haired little brother, "But I warn you, he's nothing like me. All moody and grumpy all the time. Takes after his father."

"Not yours?"

Dorothy shrugs, "Don't have a father," She says quietly, "I live with my cousin, Tonks, now."

Lupin opens the door to the greenhouse letting Dorothy walk in first. "Now, Sprout has been able to corner it."

A small scratching and shaking noise comes from the corner as a large pot being held down by many books shakes violently.

"Do you know the spell?" Lupin asks.

She looks up as she tries to remember, "Riddikulus." She says earning a proud nod.

"I think you're going to be the top of my class, when do I have you?" He asks.

She looks down at her left hand where she has written out her time table, "Today, after lunch. Or, it could be last lesson... I can't exactly tell." She moves her hand into the light trying to tell what the smudged writing is saying.

Remus chuckles at her as he readies his wand in his hand, "Hopefully because there are two of us we will be able to confuse it." Using his wand he creates a large wooden box able to hold the Boggart once they have finished.

He hits the box over allowing the Boggart to jump up and turns into the fear of the person it saw first.

Dorothy gasps as he father stands before her, a devilish smirk on his face and his usual snake cane in his hand. He glares at her, his lip curling up like it did whenever he talked to her, "Disgrace-"

"Dottie, remember the spell, it's not real."

She nods and lifts up her shaky hand pointing her wand at her father, "R-Riddikulus."

Nothing happens as she trembles, she closes her eyes as he father lifts his own wand pointing it directly at her, Lupin jumps in front of her making the Boggart change, "Riddikulus." He yells making the once moon turn into a balloon.

He turns to look at her as she stares where her fathered once stood, "Dorothy?"

"I'm okay," She says with a nod trying to assure herself more than him, "I'm okay."

He reaches into his pocket and takes out some chocolate, "Here try this, its chocolate, it helps."

She smiles gratefully and takes the chocolate from him, "I'll tell Dumbledore to reward your house some points for your help."

"Thank you, Professor."

He nods and grabs the cage that holds the Boggart, "Are you sure you're all right?"

She nods again, "Yes, it's just, I haven't seen him in a while, forgot how terrifying he can be."

"He can't hurt you anymore, Dottie," Lupin tells her, he may not have been here last year when the teachers hottest gossip was how the Malfoy's had disowned their daughter, but news travel fast in the wizarding world so he found out eventually, especially with a very angry Tonks walking around the Ministry, "You're safe here."

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