Chapter 9

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Over the past few days Dorothy has learned a few things.

One, the boy from Drumstrang who keeps smiling at her is Victor Krum's best friend.

Two, he likes studying a lot as he is always in the library reading, with a crowd of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws following behind him and Victor.

Three, his name is Philip Agafonov.

And finally, four, he's actually British but goes to Drumstrang because his father is Bulgarian, which gives him a little accent.

"At this rate we'll be the only ones without dates." Ron says, Snape walks over and pushes Ron's head towards his textbook as they sit in their study session.

Dorothy sits beside Hermione the pair helping each other with the things they get stuck on as they listen to Ron complain, "Well, us and Neville."

"Yeah, but he can take himself."

"It might interest you to know that Neville's' got someone." Hermione whispers.

Ron groans loudly, "Now I'm really depressed."

Fred passes a not to Ron that reads, 'Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone'.

"Who are you going with then?"

Fred crumples up the paper and throws it at Angelina across the table making her scowl at him, "What?" She mouths.

He gestures between them and begins to dance before pointing to himself, "The ball? Okay, yeah." She says giving him a thumbs up.

Fred winks at Ron who looks at the girl beside him, "Hermione, you're a girl."

"Well, spotted."

"Can I just ask..." Ron tires to do what Fred did but ends up getting hit over the back of the head with a book by Snape. Harry grits his teeth as they same books hits his head. "Come on," Ron pleads, "Its one this for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad."

"I won't be going alone." Dorothy grins as she already knows who is taking the girl, "Believe it or not someone's already asked me!"

She gets up and hands her work into Snape, she returns grabbing her things, before she leaves she looks over at Ron, "And I said yes."

"Bloody hell," Ron mutters, "She's lying, though. Look, we've just got to grit our teeth and do it. Tonight, when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed?"


Snape shoves both boy's heads towards their works and they sigh as they get on with their work.

George and Fred snicker at their younger brother and he glares at them, "I don't see you asking anyone."

George shrugs and sneaks a glance over to Dorothy who is on her last question. He kicks her under the table making her glare at him and kick him back, its turns into a war where they both kick each other until he holds his hands up in surrender.

"Yule ball?" He asks.


Ron snorts and Harry tries to suppress the grin on his face, "What? Come on, Dot, it's not like you have anyone to go with-"

"Actually, I do. Next time ask me before everyone else and don't use me as your last resort." She slams her book shut and gets to her feet handing her work over to the potions Professor who takes it with a nod.

She stomps back over and grabs her back, "And you've got question nineteen wrong." She says before storming away.


Ginny and a few girls lead Ron into the common room as he mutters under his breath, "What's wrong?" Dorothy asks as they sit him down.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out."

"What did she say?" Harry asks as he and Hermione approach.

"No, of course." Hermione says gesturing to his state.

Ron shakes his head, "She said yes?"

"Don't be silly," Ron says, "There she was, just walking by. You know I like it when they walk. I couldn't help it. It just sort of slipped out."

"Actually he sort of screamed at her, it was a bit frightening." Ginny admits.

Harry leans over to see Ron better, "What did you do then?"

"What else? I ran for it! I'm not cut out for this, Harry. I don't know what got into me."

Dorothy chuckles and rolls her eyes before walking away.

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