Chapter 3

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Dorothy grins as she walks into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. A small dragon creature flies above her head and lands in a machine behind her to warm up the food inside.

She chuckles when she looks up to see a Dolores Umbridge puppet, "I hate children! I will have order!"

She follows after Hermione and Ginny, her arms folded over her chest as she weaves through the crowd of kids, "Hello, ladies." The twins greet.

"Love potions, eh?" George asks, "Yeah, they really do work."

"Then again, the way we heard it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own."

Ginny raises a brow at them, "Meaning?"

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George asks.

Ginny shrugs with a small smirk, "It's none of your business."

Dorothy wanders off to a cage of Pygym Puffs, she coos at them and lifts one from the cage. "I've got the perfect one for you." George says appearing with a white one.

He places it on her head and grins, "Have you seen my Pygym Puff? I've seemed to have lost it."

"Ha, ha," She says sarcastically, "Very funny. What's her name?"

George shrugs as he carefully scoops it up, "Haven't given her one yet, Ginny just bought one, Arnold."

She chuckles as she pets the small creatures head, her eyes spot one in a cage not too far away she scoops it up hiding it from George in her hands as she walks back over, "I think I'll name this one, Weasley."

She uncovers her hands to reveal a bright orange Pygym Puff making him chuckle, "How much? I want to keep him forever and ever and ever."

She rests Weasley on her shoulder and smiles up at George, he rest his own white haired one on his shoulder too, "I think I'll name mine Black."

"It's white." She sates.

"I know."


Fred, George and Dorothy sit in the apartment above the shop. They closed up the shop a few hours ago as it got quite dark and Dorothy decided she would stay for the night before she goes back to Wales for Quidditch training.

She sits opposite George, Weasley sat on her shoulder and a cup of tea in her hands.

She wears her knitted socks given to her by Mrs. Weasley last years and one of George's old Quidditch jumpers.

Fred sighs as he gets to his feet, "Where are you going?"

"The sexual tension is too much for me to handle," Dorothy flushes a bright red and George's eyes widen, "Between the Pygym Puffs, I mean, er, I'm going to bed."

Dorothy watches him walk into his room and close the door. George clears his throat and looks back at her, "How's auror training?"


"Quidditch training."


He chuckles and shakes his head, he pats the spot beside him and she gets up to sit beside him.

"I kinda miss living with you guys." She admits.

George lifts his wand and the blanket covers them both as she yawns covering it with her hand.

They look over to the arm chair to see their two Pygmy Puffs cuddling up together, "I think Fred was right." She whispers.

"Fred is always right!" They hear him shout from his room.

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