Chapter 5

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"Right you lot, less chattering, form a group up there. Open your books to page 49." Hagrid informs the third year class.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco asks.

"Just stroke the spine, of course." The class turn to see Dorothy skipping towards them with a bright smile, as she passes a Gryffindor student she takes the book and shows them how to open it.

Draco raises a brow before copying her actions, "Dottie, what are you doing here?" Ron asks as he follows her instructions.

"Dottie is going to be my helper for the day." Hagrid tells the class as Dorothy places her robes and bag on a pile on the floor.

"Extra credit." She says with a shrug.

Dorothy turns to Hagrid awaiting her instructions as she rolls up her shirt sleeves, he already told her about the class that morning when he asked for her help during her own Care for Magical Creatures lesson.

Dottie's the only one in her year that actually took the lesson, so it was just her and Hagrid sitting around, talking about different creatures.

Hagrid hands her a few ferrets and she walks off to lead Buckbeak, a Hippogriff whom she has formed a strong bond with over the last few days, towards the class.

Hagrid stands there awkwardly as the class chat amongst themselves, raising her fingers to her lips she whistles loudly gaining all of their attention. "Thank you, Dottie."

A low pitched squawking brings the group's attention to the large feathery creature before them, "Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid asks.

Dorothy grins as she slowly pets the Hippogriff's head as he nuzzles his head into her shoulder, "Dottie, get away from that." Draco says making he roll her eyes.

"He's lovely, Dray. Aren't you? Aren't you just a big cuddly bear?" She coos turning to the large bird like creature.

"Say hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid, exactly what is that?"

"This, Ronald, would be a Hippogriff." Dorothy tells them as she feeds him another ferret.

"Hippogriffs are very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff. It may just be the very last thing you do. Now," Hagrid turns back to Buckbeak as Dorothy begins to talk to the creature in a baby voice making a few of the kids laugh at her, "Who'd like to come and say hello?"

As the Professor and his helper have their backs turned, everyone steps back leaving Harry standing there, "Well done, Harry. Well done."

Ron steps forward and nudges him forward, "Now, you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite."

Dorothy steps away from the Hippogriff, standing beside the half-giant to give Harry and the bird their own space, "Step up, give him a nice bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does you can go and touch him. If not... Well, we'll get to that later. Right, now, make your bow."

Slowly, Harry bows before Buckbeak, he screeches making Hagrid gesture for Harry to back up a little, "Back off, Harry! Back off!"

Harry moves backwards, snapping a twig as he does but making sure to keep his head down low, "Keep still, Harry." Dorothy says quietly.

Eventually, Buckbeak bows back nice and low, "Well done, Harry. Well done."

Dorothy tosses another ferret to him, "There you go, who's a good boy?"

"I'm beginning to think she loves that thing more than the Weasley's." A Slytherin mutters making the other Slytherin's laugh.

Draco glares at them all making them quieten down, "That's my sister."

"Not anymore." He says with a smirk.

He elbows him hard and then turns his attention back to the front as Hagrid lifts Harry up and places him onto Buckbeak's back hitting him so he flies off. "Don't pull on the feather's, he won't thank you for that."

The group stand around and begin to applaud as Harry comes back around and lands in front of them, "Oh, please." Draco says pushing through.

"How am I doing on my first day?" Hagrid asks quietly to Harry and Dorothy.

The pair grin at him, "Brilliant, Professor."

"Yes! You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute?" Draco says strutting towards the Hippogriff.

Buckbeak lifts himself into the air screeching at Malfoy as he brings his claw down onto his arm.

Draco collapses onto the floor rolling around as he clutches his arm making Dorothy roll her eyes, "Draco-"

"It's killed me! It's killed me!"


"Ugh, it's killed me!"

"Draco. Calm down, it's just a scratch."

"Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!" Hermione yells as she approaches stopping not too far away so she doesn't suffer the same fate.

Hagrid kneels down and picks up the blonde who is rolling around on the floor, "I'm the teacher, I'll do it. Uh, Dottie's in charge."

"Oh! Oh! You're gonna regret this! You and your bloody chicken."

Dorothy gently strokes Buckbeak before turning back to the class who all hold shocked expressions, "Right then, whose next?"

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