Chapter 1

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Leia looks up at her owner, very unamused by the long time they've spent outside.

Dorothy stands in front of Grimmauld Place, she swallows the lump in her throat before finally walking in and instantly getting engulfed in a hug by Molly. "Are you okay, dear?"

Dorothy manages a nod and a small, weak smile to the older witch as she takes her trunk and places it in the kitchen for her.

She scoops up the black pug and sits at the table watching Molly run around the kitchen.

She feels a hand on her shoulder and looks up to find Arthur smiling at her, "Congratulations, dear. Heard the good news about Quidditch, can't wait to watch you playing."

She nods again, "Yeah, good news."

Arthur and Molly share a look as Dorothy stares blankly in front of her, "Why don't you go get cleaned up and rest a little, dear? Dinner won't be ready for another few hours." Dorothy nods again and smiles at the pair before going upstairs.

She sits on her bed taking in the many posters on her walls, Ginny isn't home yet, she went to Diagon Alley with a few of her friends as soon as they got off the train.

Ron and Harry got back before her and Hermione went home to her own house.

Leia curls up in the small dog bed on the floor, she never uses it but seems as her owner isn't in the mood for cuddling up right now she takes what she's got.

A knock on her door makes her look up, her lisp tug upwards when George appears smiling at her.

He sits beside her carefully as she goes back to staring at the floor, "You okay?"

"Yeah." She breaths out.

He places an arm around her shoulders and she leans her head against his shoulder as he rests his head on top of hers. "You sure?"

She nods against his shoulder, "I start my auror training in two weeks. Quidditch practice in a few days."

"You're doing both?"

"Yes," She nods, "I've already gone over it all with the Ministry and Gwenog. Sorted everything out so I can do both, I had perfect grades so the Ministry couldn't really say no."

"I bet he's proud of you." George says looking at the moving image of Sirius and Dorothy. The pair are grinning at the camera a mischievous look in both of their eyes as they had planned a prank just moments before the photo was taken.

Dorothy sighs and looks away from the photo, "I hope he is. He wasn't just a cousin," She says quietly, "He was like a father to me."

George rubs her back soothingly and places a kiss on her hair line, "Remus is down stairs, he wants to talk to you."

She nods and gets up walking down the creaky stairs slowly.

Remus is standing near the fire in the sitting room when she gets there, he smiles at her when she walks in and gestures to the worn down sofa she has spent many nights on in the past.

"Before we got your owl about needing your help, Sirius was writing this."

He hands her a letter and she looks down to see her name on it. Remus pats her on the shoulder before walking away.

She apparates to her bedroom, her mind not capable of walking up the stairs as she stares at the letter, George has now left her room making it quiet and lonely, she sits on her bed to open the letter.

George hears soft sobs and sniffles coming from her room so he walks in to see Dorothy crying as the letter in her hands trembles.

He walks over and wraps his arms around her wordlessly as she continues to read the letter, "It'll all be okay." He says softly as he gently rocks back and forth holding her in his lap.

Dear Elton,

We just heard the news about you becoming a professional Chaser! Congratulations! We know how much you've always wanted to play for the Harpies. All you do is talk about them and Gwenog.

Molly won't stop gushing about you and your skills, Tonks is out trying to buy a Holyhead's Harpies jumper to support you when you play and the twins are trying to come up with some firework display to set off for your first game. (Molly has banished them from the kitchen as they have made a terrible mess.)

We are all so proud of you accomplishing your dreams, and I promise I'll be at your first match. Just look for the large black dog in amongst the large crowd of red heads and you'll find me.

I'm proud of you, Elton. And I'm sure your mother is too, disowning you is the biggest mistake your father has ever made. You've grown to be a wonderful young woman. (George would think so too, but don't tell him I said that.)



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