Chapter 9

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Students run around as Death Eaters appear on the grounds. Dorothy sends spell after spell at witches, wizards and snatchers as they appear behind or in front of her.

She runs through the courtyard, pointing her wand at any Death Eaters getting to close to the younger students.

She runs back up the stairs towards where Remus and Tonks, still hoping to get there in time to help them out, "Stupefy!"

Tonks sends a grateful smile over her shoulder before she goes back to fighting the snatchers in front of her. "Dementors are on the ground!"

She looks through the window as Dementors begin to attack the grounds, a werewolf appears behind her and tackles her to the ground, they both stumble down the stairs, Dorothy grips her wand tightly in her hand as she elbows him in the face.

They finally come to a stop at the bottom of the stairs and he hits away her wand, "Flipendo!"

She sits up and grabs her wand pointing it upwards and sighs in relief when she's met with a pair of grey eyes.

Getting to her feet she brings Draco in for a hug, she pulls back placing her hands on his face to check him over, "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you? Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you tell me? You're so stupid, Draco, you're so-"

"Dottie," He says in a broken whisper, "I'm fine. I-I have to do something."


"I promise you, I'll be fine."

She sighs and nods brining him in for another hug before they both take off in different directions.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Her lioness Patronus pounces forward attacking the Dementors attempting to attack the group of Hogwarts students. Some stare at the blue creature in awe and others in curiosity.

"What is that?" A second year Slytherin asks.

"Holy Helga, you're Dorothy Black, the Quidditch player!"

"That is a Patronus charm, and yes, yes I am."

Her Patronus appears back at her side and fades away slowly allowing blue lights to float towards the sky. "That's so cool." A Ravenclaw whispers.

"Get inside, hurry!" Dorothy pushes them back casting a quick charm on the door to block back any Death Eaters.

She turns to the group of students offering a tired smile, "Bet you didn't expect this as your first year, huh?"

A banging sound comes from behind them and the Slytherin looks up at her with wide eyes, "Uh, Miss. Black?"

"Yeah, kid?"

He raises a shaky hand to point at the Death Eater behind them, "Incendio!"


"Petrificus Totalus!"

The Death Eater falls into a heap on the floor and with a wave of her wand he crashes through the open window, she turns to the group of students again, "Get inside and get to a safe place."

They nod watching the older girl take off running towards the battle as they run away from it.


Snapping her head to the side she finds George sprinting towards her sending spells over his head before diving for cover beside her.

The pair duck as a spell hits part of the archway they're hiding in. Their breathing is uneven and rapid as their hearts pound in their ears.

Uncovering herself, Dorothy throws a quick spell which knocks the few Death Eaters away from them, giving them time to quickly catch their breath.


The whisper is barely audible with the noise around them, spells and curses are thrown just outside of their hiding spot, screams of terror and pain fill the air along with the stench of death and blood.

Looking up she meets a pair of wide brown eyes, she ducks as a blue streak hits the spot above her head, gripping her wand she twirls around from her hiding spot to find just one Death Eater left, "Levicorpus!"

Appearing back in front of him again she keeps her back pressed against the wall but eyes on the small opening beside them.

"I love you."

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