Chapter 6

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"Hi, Hagrid." Dorothy says cheerily as the half-giant approaches her.

He smiles at her as they begin to walk into the Forbidden Forrest, the sun shines down on them casting shadows behind them as Dorothy skips beside Hagrid, her hands full of books, "What is it you wanted to show me?"

"Well, I suppose since I've already showed Harry, it won't hurt to show you too, I know how much you love magical creatures, I thought you might like these."

She looks up at him with scrunched brows, "Like what?"

"Well, er, you'll see I suppose, it's a surprise, you'll like who it is."

"Who?" She questions.

Hagrid nods and leads her towards an opening in the Forrest where a red head stands, a large grin on his face, "Charlie!"

She reaches up to give him a quick hug and looks behind him to see six dragons, "Wow." She whispers in awe.

"Alright, Dottie? How've you been? Pranking Filch with the twins?"

"When are we not?" She questions, "They're beautiful, why are they here?"

Hagrid looks down at her and she can tell she's not supposed to be here, "They're for the tournament, aren't they? I have to tell, Harry."

"Like I said, Harry already knows."

Dorothy smiles as she approaches the Common Welsh Green, "What's her name?"

"Gwenog." Dorothy grins at the name of her favourite female player.

"She's beautiful," She says in awe as she gets a little closer only to be dragged back by Charlie, "Does Ron, Ginny and the twins know you're here?"

"I've seen Ron and Ginny, but I'm waiting to see the twins until after the first task, don't want them pranking me when I've got to feed these guys." She chuckles and nods.

Dorothy spends most of her day looking at the dragons and talking about the baby dragons at the sanctuary with Charlie and Hagrid, she also got introduced to his friends from Romania and he told her is she was still interested in dragons when she left school to owl him.

She told him of her auror plans and the training she has set out to complete before she finds a proper job anywhere. She wants to train under the same people as Tonks and become an Auror just like her, maybe they'll be able to work side by side.

Eventually, she had to leave to go find the twins or they'd be wondering where she is.

As she walks into the courtyard she sees a crowd gathered around and kids laughing, "Professor Moody? What are you doing?" McGonagall asks as she approaches.


Dorothy stands on her tip-toes to see a white ferret getting lifted into he air and then put down Crabbe's trousers, "I-Is that a student?"

"Technically, it's a ferret."

Dorothy's eyes widen when she realises who it is, "Is that my brother?" She asks the closest student who nods while they laugh.

She hits him across the back of the head and scowls signalling him to stop laughing as she pushes through the crows, McGonagall raises her wand allowing Draco to become himself again.

Draco pushes himself up of the ground and looks around, "My father will hear about this!"

"Is that a threat?" Mad-eye asks as he raises his wand again, Draco cowers and runs away, Dorothy not far behind.

"Dray!" She calls, an amused smile on her lips as she finally catches up to him.

She giggles a little at his now messy hair and tries to fix it, he pushes her hands away, "Stop! Dottie, stop!"

"Aww, are you embarrassed by me, Dracey-poo?" She asks.

He pushes her away and scowls at her, "Stop, Dottie, I mean it, my hair is perfectly fine."

"If you say so."

The fire breather that seemed to follow Krum around walks past catching her eye, she turns her head slightly to watch him walk past, him doing the same to hold their eye contact until he disappears down the corridor.

Draco smirks and unlatches her hands from his hair that had frozen when the Bulgarian walked past, "I think Dottie-poo has a little crush."

She smacks his shoulder and pushes him away, "Whatever, Dracy-poo."

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