Chapter 7

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Dorothy walks to her study session in the Great Hall still a little shaken up by her encounter with the Boggart, "Miss. Malfoy," Someone says, her surname makes her flinch as he looks up to see her Head of House, "Professor Lupin told me how great a job you did with the Boggart. And, Hagrid also tells me how good you were helping in his class yesterday, for that, I award you fifty house points."

She manages a smile, her thoughts still swimming, "Thank you, Professor."

Dorothy slides into her spot between the twins and places her Transfigurations text book in front of her, she stares blankly as she flips through the pages, "Uh, Dot?"


"We don't have Transfiguration yet." George tells her.

She blinks, finally registering the book in front of her, she reaches into her bag getting out the correct book, "Dot? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," She lies, "Absolutely, fine, perfect, bloody brilliant." She rambles.

George raises a brow and slowly closes her book as she tries to hide herself behind it "Dot, what's wrong?" He asks slowly.

She sighs and rests her head in her hands, "I was helping Professor Lupin catch a Boggart, and it turned into my father. I-I... I just froze, I couldn't even do the spell right I was so scared he was going to hurt me."

George wraps his arm around her shoulder and brings her in for a side hug, "He can't hurt you anymore, Dot." He whispers to her making sure no one else in the hall can hear them.

"He's been spotted! He's been spotted!" Seamus yells as he runs towards the Gryffindor table.


"Sirius Black!" A small group crowds around him and his newspaper, Dorothy leans forward, resting her chin on George's head as she reads the Daily Prophet that is placed in the centre of the group.

"Dovetown?" Hermione questions.

George reaches up to squeeze Dorothy's hand that rests on his shoulder, "That's not far from here." She tells everyone.

Neville looks up at everyone, "Y-You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts?"

"There's Dementors at every entrance."

"That means nothing," Dorothy says, "He slipped past them before, I'm sure he can do it again."

"That's right," A Gryffindor student says, "Black could be anywhere. Its like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands."

Dorothy watches the moving image of Sirius Black. He has ragged hair and wild dog like eyes as he screams at the camera.

She gulps slightly, "He's like, my third cousin or something." She tells the twins.

The pair look at her and the image of Sirius, they hold it up beside her head, "Hey, you kinda look a little similar."

She looks between her and the man with black hair and green eyes and then gestures to her pale hair and grey eyes, "Oh, yes, exactly the same." She says unamused by their joke, but they can see the small smile that tugs at the corner of her mouth.

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