Chapter 2

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"Happy Birthday!"


"That's not how I expected this to go."

Tonks, the twins, Ginny, Ron, Sirius and Remus stand at the door of Dorothy's room as she turns away from them to try and fall back asleep, "Dottie."

No answer.


Still no answer, "Leia, don't chew her broom!"

"Leia!" She shrieks and jolts up right.

The group laugh as she falls out of her bed tangled in her sheets, "Molly's got breakfast ready. Happy Birthday, Elton." She rolls her eyes at her cousin but a smile plays on her lips as she pulls herself up.

After showering and changing Dorothy skips down the stairs, she catches her foot on the clothes rack and a loud crash is heard through the house, "Sorry."

She attempts to put them upright again only to make even more of a mess, "I've got it, Elton." Sirius says with a chuckle as he steadies the coat rack.

Before she even has a chance to pick a seat Molly is pushing her into a place between the twins and piling up her food on the plate in front of her.

"Happy birthday, dear."

"Thank you, Molly."

For her birthday she has gotten many things and she loves them all.

From the Weasley's she got a few new records and a new knitted jumper from Molly. Tonks had gotten her a new broom, Remus a pile of muggle books and Sirius got her a moving poster of Aidan Lynch that had his signature.

Dorothy grins as she takes a step back, her new poster fits in well amongst the others. Her Holyhead Harpies and Gryffindor posters cover the wall making it hard for her to find a spot but with a few rearrangements she is able to find space.


The younger girl looks up from where she is sat on her bed and smile, "Yeah, Dottie?"

Dorothy grabs her old broomstick and hands it over to her, "I want you to have this, I know it's not the best but at least now you can try out for the team and have your own broom instead of Hooch's uncomfortable ones."

Ginny jumps up and wraps her arms around the blonde, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."


It's almost midnight, most people are asleep, but not Dorothy. She sits curled up with her new muggle book, Pride and Prejudice.

George smiles as she walks over and hands her a cup of tea. He sits on the coffee table in front of her and hands her a small wrapped box. "Happy birthday, Dot."

She smiles and takes it from his hand, "You didn't have to get me anything, Georgie."

He shrugs, "It's our last year, you're Quidditch Captain," He sates, she raises a brow but nods anyway, "This year and our results means a lot to you, doesn't it?" She nods again and he gestures for her to open it.

If possible, her smile widens, she takes out the golden necklace. A lion dangles at the bottom of the golden chain, it's been charmed to look like its roaring, she takes it carefully in her hands.

"Georgie, it's beautiful."

"It's supposed to watch over and protect you."

He takes it from her and she turns around for him to put it on her. His warm hands brush her hair away from her neck and over her shoulder, she reaches up to pull her hair away for him.

He clasps the necklace around her neck but his hands linger on her shoulders for a moment, she looks down and reaches for the necklace, her pale hair falling as she lets it go.

"Thank you." She whispers turning to put her arms around his neck.

He smiles and returns the hug taking in her familiar scent of daisies and apples. A weirdly good combination. "You're very welcome, Dot."

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