Chapter 9

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"Out of my way," Madam Pomfrey calls as she ushers aside the children crowding around Harry, "He should have been brought straight to me!"

"I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back..."

Dorothy stretches up on her tip-toes from her place between the twins to try and see over Dean's head, "You will be able to, won't you?"

"Oh, I'll be able to, certainly, but it'll be a rough night, Potter. Re-growing bones is a nasty business."

Harry takes one sip of the medicine and instantly spits it back out, George quickly grabs Dorothy's arm and drags her back in time to miss the spit. "Well, what did you expect? Pumpkin juice? Now out, all of you!"


"If I have to listen to Lockhart talk about himself for one more hour I may jump off the Astronomy Tower."

"Dot, it's Christmas break, we're free for two weeks." George says clapping her on the back.

She sighs closing her eyes as she lays in front of the fire in the common room, "I bought these in Zonko's." Fred says laying out different pranking gear on the table.

Dorothy and George grin as the trio begin to plan out their next prank.


"Okay," Dorothy says as she runs back around the corner, "Filch isn't there, we probably have about ten minutes, can you see him on the map?"

She peers over Fred's shoulder watching as Filch's steps get closer to them, "You two set the prank and I'll distract him."

Dorothy raises a brow and turns to look at George, "How are you going to distract him?" George asks.

Fred looks at the both them, "I'll just, take him out?"

"Take him out?" Dorothy questions, "Like, on a date?"

"No. Like with a spell."

The pair shrug and watch as he walks in the opposite direction, George grabs her hand and the pair run towards Filch's office.

"Alohomora." Dorothy whispers.

With a click the doors open allowing them to walk in. The pair set up the Dungbombs around the room before walking out. "Merry Christmas, Filch."

Dorothy hits a few items off of the table as they leave making the pair wince.

"Stupid, Weasley, come on Mrs. Norris."

The pair freeze as they hear the footsteps getting closer. George grips her hand causing her to help as he squeezes into a gap in between two pillars.

George covers Dorothy's mouth with his hand as he puts his finger to his lips.

She stares into his brown eyes as they hold their breath, after a few seconds he looks back to meet her grey eyes.

Realising she's not going to make any noise, George removes his hand and rests it on her shoulder.

"Georgie? Dottie?" They hear the call of Fred.

The duo peek out of their spot and see Fred walking up the corridor.

They sigh in relief and come out from their hiding spot. "Did you plant them?"

"All fifteen."


Dorothy smiles to herself as she sits in front of the fire. Her knitted Weasley sweater pulled over her knees and a muggle book Hermione had got her in her hands.

George rubs his eyes as he walks into the common room, "Dot? It's 3am, why are you still awake?"

She lifts her book barley taking her eyes from the page.

George walks over and flops down on the sofa beside her. He rests his arm across the back of the sofa and rests his head on her shoulder as he reads the page.

"What you reading?"

"Moby Dick."


He's cut off by her wrapping her arm around his head to silence him, "Shh, it's getting interesting."

He rolls his eyes but continues to sit with her as she reads until finally she falls asleep beside him.

George takes the book from her hand and marks her page setting it down on the table in front of them.

He smiles softly as he pulls the blanket over her and lies back with her, "Merry Christmas, Dot."

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