Chapter 12

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Dorothy knocks on Hagrid's door, he sniffles as he opens it and wraps his arms around her in a hug, "It'll be okay, Hagrid. I'm sure Dumbledore can do something."

Hagrid shakes his head, "He can't. Look at 'im out there." He gestures to Buckbeak who is chained up outside.

Dorothy sighs sadly and walks over to the kitchen to put on the kettle, a knock on the door interrupts and Harry, Hermione and Ron walk in.

She smiles at the trio and turns to Hagrid, "I'm going to go see, Buckbeak," She passes the trio and whispers to them, "Try and cheer him up."

"Hey, Bucky." She says as she gently strokes the bird, "It'll all be oaky, you'll be fine."

She sniffles and smiles sadly at the bird before giving it one last pat on the head, "Everything will work out fine."

She grips her bag and skips up the steps smiling at the Headmaster, "Hi, Professor."

"Dottie? What are you doing down here?"

"Trying to cheer up Hagrid," She replies with a smile, "I don't think it worked, you might want to talk to him before you know..." She mimics her head getting chopped off making the Minister furrow his brows at the girl.

Dumbledore nods, trying to hide his amused smile at the girl who always seems to be able to brighten the worst situations, "Well, I best be off or Percy'll have my head if I miss another round, bye, Professor."

She skips away humming to herself as she sees the castle approaching, "She's a Malfoy?" The Minister asks.

Dumbledore nods as they continue their journey, "She takes after her cousins more than her parents."


Dorothy skips down the corridor, Leia running behind her, its finally their last day and her O.W.L's are over, the Golden Trio filled her and the twins in on what happened with Sirius Black as they are somehow related, which she appreciates.

She lifts her knuckles but before she can even tap on the door she's called in. She furrows her brows as she looks over at Lupin, "I saw you coming." He says gesturing to the map sitting on the table.

"How did you-?"

Her eyes widen and a smile spreads across her face, "You're a Marauder, which one are you? I bet you're... Mooney! You're Mooney, right?"

He chuckles and nods, "Is there something I could help you with?"

She smiles, suddenly remembering why she was here, "I just... wanted to say goodbye, Harry told me you're leaving."

He nods as he places a few books into one of trunks, "Unfortunately, I'm too dangerous to be here."

She offers a sympathetic smile, Dorothy had worked out that Remus is a werewolf after Christmas, she built up the courage one day and finally asked him, to which, he told her the truth, and since she was so good in potions class she helped Snape with his potions each full moon.

"It won't be the same without you, Professor."

He grabs the piece of parchment from his desk and hands it over to her, "I trust it's in safe hands?"

She grins and nods, shoving it into her back pocket, "We owe so much to you and the other Marauders."

Lupin chuckles at her enthusiasm, "You were a good student, Dottie."

She smiles and picks Leia up from beside her feet, "Goodbye, Professor," She stops before she can fully walk down the stairs and quickly runs back up, "And, thank you."


"Harry, can I have a go? After you of course!" Seamus asks as Harry enters the Great Hall.

"What are you talking about?"

Dorothy smiles and leads Harry towards the Gryffindor table, "Quiet, let the man through."

"I didn't mean to open it," Ron says as he steps back, "It was badly wrapped. And they made me do it."

The twins fake gasp and act shocked as Ron points an accusing finger at them, "Did not!"

"It's a Firebolt," Dorothy tells him, "The fastest broom in the world."

"For me?" Harry asks a little shocked someone would get him something, "Who sent it?"

Hermione grins, "No one knows. This came with it." She holds up a feather for Harry to take.

The group of Gryffindor's run out into the court yard, he jumps onto his broom and flies off into the sky.

"Holy Helga, that is one broom."

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