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A few years later...

With a soft smile, Dorothy steps forward to take George's fidgeting hands, "Georgie," She says softly, her voice barely audible, "It'll be fine."

He huffs and intertwines their hands, "I know, but what if she hates me?"

"She won't hate you."

"What if-?"

"Remember all those years ago at Grimmauld Place? And I asked you what if?" He nods allowing her to continue, "You said you don't regret anything that happened, neither do I, whatever happens, we'll get through it, as long as we're-"

"Avoiding this day?"

She rolls her eyes and chuckles softly, "We're together. As long as we're together."

He fixes his shirt for the third time that evening, "I know but this is kind of a big deal. I mean, meeting your mum for the first time."

"George, all I do is talk about you, she feels like she already knows you, she's been waiting to meet you since we first started talking again. And besides, Draco will be there too."

George's eyes widen, "Last time I saw him he-"

"Threatened to hex you?" He nods and she chuckles again, "He's just being a protective brother, he could barely hurt a fly, and anyway, he's too afraid of me to actually do anything to you."

Gripping his hand she drags him to the fireplace of the Burrow- where the pair have been living along with the other Weasley's for the past three years- and grabs a handful of Floo Powder each.

"Malfoy Manner!"

When they arrive Narcissa is waiting with a happy smile, the place is different then she remembers as a kid.

The walls are no, longer black, rather a dark green, but it still gives the room a pop of colour. There are more flowers and paintings hung on the walls, a brand new tapestry in the living room-which she is actually on, along with Sirius and Andromeda, the other one is still upstairs in the untouched room that is their father's office.


She greets her other with a smile and a hug, "And you must George."

"U-Uh, yes, nice to meet you."

Dorothy shakes her head as she grabs his coat and hangs it on the back of the arm chair in the living room, "Is Draco here?"

"He's upstairs."

The sound of footsteps getting closer lets them know he's almost here, a blonde appears around the corner with a small and tired smile, he allows his sister to hug him and offers the red head a nod which he returns.

Linking her arm with George's she skips away from her mother and brother, "I'm going to give Georgie a tour."

She pulls him up the stairs of the house and into her old bed room first.

Her shelves are filled with books, school books, muggle books, wizarding books. Quidditch posters fill her walls along with painted black roses that complement the green tone of the room. Her sheets are silky but soft and he sighs in content when he lays back on her bed.

She smiles and crawls on top of him, placing a sweet and quick kiss on his lips, "Are we going to tell them?"

He groans and wraps his arms around her small frame, "What if we get the same reaction as Mum?"

"She was only shocked, then she cried, and then she shouted at us, and then she cried again."

He chuckles and places a soft kiss on her shoulder. The pair haven't been like this for a while.

After the war they both found it hard. They'd both lay awake in different beds at night, it wasn't until a month later, when the nightmares started did they start depending on each other.

They grounded each other, helped each other stay afloat. They calmed each other during the nightmares, they'd sing to the other or just whispers stories.

Dorothy would read to him while playing with his hair and he would tell her some of his product ideas while running his hand up and down her bare back.

They helped each other, and if the other wasn't there, Godric knows how they would've got through this.

George lost his best friend, his brother, his twin, his other half.

Dorothy lost a friend, a mother figure, a father figure along with so many others in the past.

They were both broken, both drifting for a while, hoping to find someone or something to hold onto. And they did find that something, it was each other.

"I'm coming in, you better be decent."

The pair roll their eyes making no effort to move from the position they're in as Draco opens the door.

"Dinners ready."

Dorothy groans and cuddles further into George's chest which rumbles beneath her as he laughs, "Come on, Dot."

She tilts her head back with an exaggerated sigh and gets to her feet following behind her brother.

George sits beside her at dinner, his hand placed on her bouncing knee and her cold hand on top of his, they make small talk with the others and Narcissa shares amusing baby stories about Dorothy, ones of which George will never let her forget.

Placing her fork down slowly Dorothy looks over to George who nods in encouragement, "Mum?"

Narcissa smiles as she looks up to meet her daughters grey eyes, "Yes, dear?"

"There's something we would like to tell you."

"Oh me, you're pregnant, oh, how wonderful!"

The pair's eyes widens and they quickly shake their heads, "No, no, I-I'm not pregnant, no!"

Draco chuckles at their red cheeks and flustered state.

Narcissa's smile drops slightly but she tilts her head welcoming the real answer, "Well, uh, George and I are-"

"Getting married!" George finishes.

Dorothy sends him a stern glare, "Sorry." He mumbles out and picks at the food on his plate.

Narcissa's eyes shine with excitement as she claps her hands together, "Oh, that's wonderful, but, I would still like some grandkids."

The pair choke on their food and shakes their heads, "Mum," Dorothy groans, "We're too young, I only just started my job properly, we can't raise a kid."

"One day, one day."

~The End of Disgrace~

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