Chapter 1

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"Get up! Get up! Get up, get up, get up!" Dorothy calls as she bounces on George's bed and hits him with a pillow before doing the same to Fred.

"Uh. Five more minutes."

"Fredrick! Get up!"

She continues to hit him with a pillow until he sits up and she moves onto George again, "Come on! It's the Quidditch World Cup! Hurry up! They're waiting!"

She grabs her bag from the floor and runs downstairs with a large smile. "She has way too much energy in the morning." Fred complains.

George grunts in response as he drags himself out of bed, "She's like that all the time, we just usually match her energy if it's day time."


"Ron, where exactly are we going?" Harry asks.

Ron shrugs, "Don't know. Hey, dad! Where are we going?"

Dorothy skips between the twins, a large smile on her face as the minutes tick by getting closer to the World Cup. "Haven't got the foggiest. Keep up!" He calls over his shoulder as the two boys jog to keep up.

"Arthur!" Amos Diggory calls.

Arthur lifts his hand in greeting, "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." He says looking at the boys.

As they stop Dorothy bounces on the balls of her feet, "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry," Someone drops from the tree landing beside Amos startling the group, "And this strapping young man must be Cedric. Am I right?"

Cedric smiles and shakes his hand as Dorothy pokes her head over Arthurs shoulder, "This is all nice and all but, Quidditch?"

She smiles brightly as the twins roll their eyes simultaneously, "And you must be Dottie," Amos says shaking her hand, "The Quidditch enthusiast."

"That would be me, so... Quidditch?"

Cedric smiles and gestures for her to follow as Amos begins talking to Harry.

Dorothy hums lightly as she and Cedric walk side by side, the twins jogging to catch up with their fast strides, "I've seen you playing."

Dorothy turns her head to look at him, "Playing Quidditch, for Gryffindor. You're the best Chaser the school has seen."

She smiles, her foot catches on a root making her stumble forward but she quickly catches her balance, "Best on a broom but trips over air." George chimes in.


Dorothy is the first to get to the Portkey, she stands beside it waiting for the others, "Get yourself in a good position!"

She lies on the ground, the twins trapping her between them, George grins as he places his hand beside hers, their fingers brushing against each other every time they move, "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?"

"This isn't just any manky old boot! It's a Portkey."

"A what?"

"Just grab on, Harry." Dorothy says.

"Ready?" Amos calls, "After three."

"One... two....


Harry's eyes widen and he grabs a hold of it, the Portkey spins and they all grip onto it tighter.

"Let go, kids!"

Their eyes widen as they stare at Arthur, "What?"

"Let go!"

They do as he says letting their grip on the manky old boot go causing them to fall with a thud, "Ugh, Fred, get off of me!" Dorothy exclaims as she pushes the red head over.

"I bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Arthur asks as he, Amos and Cedric gracefully float down.

Cedric smiles kindly as he offers a hand to Harry, George helps Dorothy to her feet but she stumbles causing the both of them to fall again. George huffs as he gets back to his feet and then picks her up planting her feet on the ground before finally letting her go.

She grins, "Thank you." And then turns on her heel to skip up the hill.

"Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!"

Dorothy holds onto her bag tighter as she looks at the different colours for both teams dancing in the sky, people fly in over them on their brooms and powder squirts into the air covering people in green, orange, red and black.


Arthur takes the lead, Dorothy right on his heels as she takes in the Irish and Bulgarian fans, she just wants to get to their tent so she has more time to get to the match.

"Parting of the ways, old chap," Amos says patting Arthur on the back, "See you at the match."

"See you, Dottie." Cedric says offering a smile, as he smiles back, to engrossed in the people around her to form an actual answer making him chuckle.

"Ah!" Arthur says as they approach their tent "Home, sweet home."

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