Chapter 9

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"Georgie, I promise you, I'm fine." Dorothy says with a roll of her eyes.

George mimics her eye roll and allows Weasley to climb onto his shoulder, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." She says as she throws herself onto her bed.

George walks over and pushes her over before lying beside her, he grabs her arm gently and attempts to uncover it.

She jerks her arm back, instantly regretting it when she sees the hurt look on his face. Dorothy keeps eye contact as she slowly gives her arm back to him.

He looks down and uncovers her arm, he winces slightly at the car and lightly traces a finger over it.

His cold hands send shivers through her body, "Sorry," She whispers when he looks up to meet her eye, "Cold hands."

"Cold hands, cold heart."

The pair continues to stare at each other as George gently rubs the pad of his thumb over the scar as he takes in her grey eyes. His thumb travels over every letter going up and down over the words.

"Did it hurt?"

She nods, "It still does." She says quietly, "I-If I have nightmares about it, I can feel the pain in my arm."

He raises her arm and places a gentle kiss on the skin making her cheeks turn a rosy colour.

"George, you're not sleeping in here, you snore too loud." Ginny says as she walks in making the pair jump apart. The youngest Weasley smirks to herself when she hears her brother sigh.




Dorothy sits in the kitchen, a cup of tea in one hand and the Daily Prophet in the other. She sips her cup quietly and hums to herself as she reads over the latest news.

She waves goodbye to Arthur as he leaves for some daily errands, briefcase in hand.

Ginny and the twins enter not long after him taking a few bits of food before disappearing to do their own thing.

After finishing the paper she gets one of her muggle books to read, "Dottie?" She glances up at Harry and then looks back down at her book.

He sighs when she continues to hum lightly under her breath, he recognises the song, Tiny Dancer by Elton John, it was Sirius' favourite muggle song. He and Dorothy spent many days listening to this song at Grimmauld Place.

"I-I'm really sorry. I was just stressed about everything going on, and I didn't know who I could trust. And I know you probably hate me, and-"

She silently gets up and closes her book interrupting him mid-sentence as her chair scrapes across the floor creating a screeching sound.

"I don't hate you." She says simply before walking past him and disappearing up the stairs.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair, "What have I done?" He mutters to himself.

Dorothy was like a sister to him, always cheering him on and helping him, always sticking up for him against her brother and father. Unlike his cousin, aunt and uncle, she was there. She was there every time something happened, she was always happy to help him in anyway.

And now he's accused her of working for the Dark Lord.

And he's lost a part of his family because of it.


Dorothy yawns as she walks into her, Tonks' and Lapin's apartment she's been looking for a place to give the couple space lately. Although they both say they enjoy her company, she wants to get her own apartment so she can have her friends over more often. And so the place isn't crowded.

She settles on the sofa and looks over to check that Leia is in her bed, smiling softly when the pug is curled up with Weasley.

Remus and Tonks suddenly burst through the door causing her to jump, "We have to go, quickly."

She garbs her jacket following them out the door, "What's going on? What's happening?"

She holds onto Tonks as they apparate to the Burrow, "Dumbledore."

"He's here?"

"He's dead."

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