Chapter 5

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Dorothy closes her eyes as she readjust her leather gloves for the umpteenth time.

She wiggles her arms and legs and bounces up and down a few times, "Dottie, you'll do great." She takes a deep breath and grabs her broom from her locker.

They line up and prepare to walk out, the crowd roars as they mount their brooms and the whistle blows.

"And the match has begun!"

Dorothy dives down and grabs the Quaffel, she flies upwards and drops the Quaffel down to Blythe Wilson below her.

She flies towards the goals and reaches up as Wilson throws the Quaffel to her, she tips her broom downwards and raises her hand. Pulling it back she scores into the far right hoop grinning when the crowd goes wild.

"And Black scores for the Holyhead Harpies! This is Dorothy Black's first game and she is proving to be a good addition to the team."

Oliver does a double take when he sees her she smiles and waves at him before chasing after the opposing Chaser.

"And Alys Rubadue scores! 40-30 to the Harpies!"

Dorothy catches the Quaffel and ducks as a Bludger barley misses her, "Black has the Quaffel, she dodges a Bludger, passes the Chaser, dives down, fakes left and- scores!"

She winks at Wood ad he shakes his head with a chuckle.

"Glynis Morgan has caught the snitch! The Holyhead Harpies win!"

The team land on the ground lifting their seeker into the air as they cheer loudly.

Dorothy looks up to the stands to find her own little corner of supporters. Mr and Mrs. Weasley, the twins, Remus and Tonks.

Tonks is clapping while the twins cup over their mouths and shout her name. Mrs. Weasley is wearing a knitted jumper with 'D.B' written on it while Mr. Weasley has a Holyhead's hat on and Remus is smiling down at her. A banner reading, 'Dottie Black' floats above the small group making her shake her head.

"Dottie!" She turns to see Wood landing not far from her and walks over.

"Wood." She holds her hand out and he shakes it with a chuckle.

"Heard you won the cup last year." She nods with a proud grin.

Shrugging her shoulders she leans against her broom, "It was nothing."

He snorts and shakes his head, "I'll see you around? Your entourage is coming."

He pats her on the back and shoots a smile to the twins before disappearing with his team.

Her team are already celebrating in the changing rooms as her little group of supporters approach her.

"You were amazing!" Tonks says wrapping her up in a hug and twirling her around.

The pair stumble and almost fall but luckily Remus is there to steady them, "Well done, Dottie."

Fred and George trap her in a large hug and Fred ruffles her hair, "You did good, Dottieella."

"I still hate that."

"I know."

She wipes away the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve and then readjust them to make sure they're covering her arms. "You were wonderful, dear." Molly says placing her hands on her cheeks to look at her.

She smiles at the older witch as she chuckles breathlessly, "I'll meet you guys outside in a few."

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