• 𝗪𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 ^ 🩷

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A/N: This imagine is based off the song 'We Are Young' by fun., feel free to listen to it while you read the imagine :)


Nikki's POV, Early 1984

I wasn't a good person, I wasn't a bad person but I was leaning more towards the bad than the good a lot of the time and while I hated it, it was just part of me to be an asshole.

I wanted to be the best version of myself, especially since I met Y/N, she meant a lot to me, more than anyone ever had before. I met her just over two years ago, and we'd been in a relationship since two months after that initial meeting.

During that time she had become the most important person in my life, there was so much perfect about her and I wouldn't change a thing about her, except her being so perfect makes me feel so inferior because it can show up how much of an ass I can actually be.

Que a few months ago, I'd had a shitty night after an equally shitty day and came back home pretty drunk at about midnight, Y/N was awake and when I got back I just wasn't in the right mood as picked a fight with her for staying up, taking it personally like she was babysitting me which I admit now was ridiculous but at the time it really pissed me off.

She obviously didn't really react knowing I was intoxicated, she spoke to me calmly and just ignored any taunting I gave her, something she was great at, drunk me didn't see it as much of an admirable trait though as she started to walk away I grabbed the almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels that I'd left on the coffee table earlier that day and threw it in her direction.

It didn't hit her, but it hit the wall beside her and she froze the second it shattered, as soon as I did this I knew it was wrong because it could have seriously hurt her and I sobered up a little bit instantly but what really made me realise just how wrong what I did was when I saw the back of Y/N's right hand which had a large cut on the back of it from a shard of glass which had bounced off the wall.

I didn't mean to hurt her, and the crushing guilt I felt when I saw what I'd done was overwhelming. She tended to the cut herself and I apologised and apologised, by now, she's totally forgotten about it and forgiven me but I haven't done either of those things.

Every time I look at her I'm reminded of what I did, the things I said that might but I mainly just replayed that moment of throwing that bottle over and over again.

By now the cut had healed but there was a visible scar, a scar that got brought up every time Y/N spoke to anyone, she'd made excuses for me, hadn't told anyone I was the one to leave that horrible mark on her, to them she'd done it to herself, she'd actually done it to herself.

I couldn't begin to understand why she wanted to protect me from the ass reaming I'd get from everyone for it, I'd deserve it. Yet, no, she's keeping the truth between us and the only reason I haven't ratted myself out is because she told me not too.

Every day I had to be reminded of what I did and tonight was no exception, me and Y/N were out at a club with Tommy and Vince and we'd had a good night so far, shared a couple of drinks and.

Vin and Tom had gone to snort some coke together in the restroom to get higher than the empire state before returning to their previous seats beside me and Y/N with Vin going to chat up some chick a minute or so later and Tommy was now in the same process which just left me and my girlfriend once again. It was fine though, we watched Vince and Tommy talk to these girls at opposite sides of the bar and found it amusing, making a few jokes about them between us because they were both whores as much as the women they chatted up were.

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