• 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘁 🩷

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Y/N's POV, Late 1989

I believe there are a few people in life you meet who are meant to be there, who no matter what will stick by you and can be the people you can trust no matter what, and those those people for me came in the form of Mötley Crüe and especially in Nikki.

We'd known each other for seven years by now and I'd witnessed these boys grow and grow and smash all their dreams. It was insane to be able to have experienced that with them but it came with down sides too. I'd had to watch as they all got caught up in their lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock and roll each of them developing addictions and having consequences handed to them for their substance usage.

I've had to watch Tommy get so drunk he can't even get one lucid thought together, Mick drink himself into a mini coma every night as a pain killer and I've seen Vince lose himself then find himself again, and I've had to watch Nikki struggle with heroin, and him dying twice to it, and almost tear the band apart before they all finally got their asses the help they desperately needed.

Seeing them get clean was a huge relief off my shoulders because for a while I genuinely thought they were going to die, all of them from one thing or another- they were my best friends and I'd be lost without any of them.

So, bet you're wondering how the hell I ended up in the Mötley sleaze club? Well, I'd been a bartender at the Starwood in 1982 and that's how I met Nikki, he and Vince came over for drinks after they played their set and while Vince chatted up my colleague, Nikki chatted to me. It took a few months of them playing shows for us to exchange phone numbers but after that, we found ourselves talking a lot and became good friends, now we were best friends.

I always had a blast with the guys though we didn't all hang out as much anymore outside of touring and we were touring now, unfortunately though this time even of tour the time I spent with the guys wasn't as much as usual because Heather, Tommy's wife visited last week as well as Vince's wife Sharise, who's still on tour with us, then there's Nikki's wife, Brandi who he started seeing a few months after getting out of rehab and marrying her earlier in the year.

Now, it's not like I hated her but I didn't think she was right for Nikki, sometimes I just looked at her and wished she was anywhere but near Nikki. I don't think she understood him and certainly didn't understand what he'd been through.

Although he got out of rehab well over a year ago, he was still adjusting to things and still struggled with life clean, he still hated being in large crowds of people, being the centre of attention, he'd only had a birthday party last year with eleven people consisting of the other guys in the band, Doug, Doc (given he invited himself), the Mötley wives and me, as he couldn't deal with any more than that.

It wasn't a bad day, we hung out for an hour or so before we all went out for dinner together and not much else happened, the same thing happened for Tommy's birthday last year and Vince's and Mick's this year, but given we could all have a laugh with each other it was very enjoyable.

But back to the point, Nikki and Brandi weren't right for each other and I'd tried to tell him but he blew me off, even got pissed off at me one time because of it and I was only trying to stop him from making a mistake.

I hadn't preached him on it, and hadn't much of anything about it since they got married, it wasn't my place but my opinion of their relationship still stands.

𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘅 ~ 𝗢𝗻𝗲-𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 🤍Where stories live. Discover now