• 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘄𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 🩵

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This was a request by PossumLaufeyson, so thank you so much for the idea! :) I added one of two details into this that weren't in the original request 🩷

Really hope you like it!


Y/N's POV, December 11th 1991

Every part of me hated parties, they gave me the worst anxiety possible and I couldn't think of any worse situation for me to end up in but I tried my best to put that anxiety to the side for Nikki. My husband Nikki, who was a pretty social person who loved a party.

He did help with my anxiety, however I'd still try and avoid them if I could, which is why I hated birthday parties and tonight it was Nikki's birthday and I couldn't exactly hide away from that.

When I was younger I never had this problem, it just happened as I got older. I've always been insecure about myself and it must have stemmed from that, because that grew from hating how I looked to making me hate being the centre of attention.

When I first met Nikki, I actually ran into him one night, literally. We walked into one another in late 1980 and it turned out we were heading to a concert for the same band, it was the first concert I ever had the guts to attend alone and fate gave me Nikki that night maybe as a reward for it.

No matter why I got given Nikki, I was and I thank all my lucky stars for him because from that night he became such an important person in my life, in my existence and without him I certainly wouldn't be in the place I was in now.

I was embarrassed of my anxiety when we first met, like really fucking embarrassed. I almost had a panic attack at that gig with Nikki stood right next to me and of course he had no idea why I was freaking out. I ran out and he, much to my surprise, followed me.

I have never been so mortified, he was an attractive guy who I'd ran into, we'd stuck together to go to see this band and then when we we're actually enjoying ourselves I freak out and run away from people like a bitch. He'd shown interest in me that night and he was the first guy to ever really look at me like that, like I was pretty so to have to tell him about my anxiety issue a couple of hours after meeting wasn't exactly ok the list of ideal ways that evening could have gone.

When I told him, I joked that I was 'messed up' and that he probably wouldn't want someone as 'high maintenance or annoying' to be friends with as I'd lost many relationships, romantic and platonic because people found my anxiety too annoying to deal with but when I told him, he didn't laugh, or agree.

Instead, he smiled sympathetically and said he understood and that he was 'messed up' too, so he'd be in no place to judge me even if he wanted too. After I'd calmed down and Nikki and I had silently reached some kind of understanding, we went back in and enjoyed the gig.

We exchanged numbers that night and obviously never lost contact since.

Nik helped me fight the anxiety, and when he got clean from the addiction he fell into in '88 and developed anxiety himself, we got each other through it and came out stronger as a result. We did therapy together once he got clean, as he thought it'd benefit me as well as him, and it did slowly but surely.

But just when I was starting to get over some of this anxiety problem, I then fell pregnant last year and since having our son, Gunner, the anxiety had come back full force, I loved our baby, of course I did, he was everything but having him really took a-lot out of my self esteem that had taken me years to even begin to build up again.

𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘅 ~ 𝗢𝗻𝗲-𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 🤍Where stories live. Discover now