Stray Kids - Maze of Memories

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Angol szöveg: 

Time is running
It's like my dreams, day and night
For a moment, burn away my thirst
My memories are thrown out
This is like a script less drama
An unthinkable ending appears
The dust that covered my old mind
Now weighs down my current dreams
Throwback to the black nights that I used to devour
Now I carry the sun's crimson light
The cold dawn on the wall
Shows a lonely moon and covers my face
As if it was coloring me black
The inside of my mind burns and fills up
With question marks that blame me
Now I run for an answer that I cannot see
Running on my mind
But the inside of me is even more frustrating

This is my grim struggle for my tomorrow
My current state is as if I saw yesterday's future, yeah
My smile appears at the call of others, a sigh falls out
A maze of memories appears as if today's me saw the past me
Getting slower as I walk, the wind drives me
Ayy, turn up with this wandering
Please give me some time to sleep even for a little bit
Show me the wrong answer
That's acting like the right answer in my life
Everything looks like a lie to me right now
It's like I'm stuck in time

Under the dark blue sky, our song burns red hot
The front of our burning hot song
It's blocked by a whale who rides a rough
Sandy wind and hunts for its prey
But I can't feed it, that's how I've always been
Here and there is filled with rocks
With a flying sword I'll cut it down and create dust
And with the dust I'll create a mountain, I'Il bring it all back
Boil it up, a teakettle that's filled with anger
Bring it up, the me that's filled with anger
It'd be nice if that anger could turn into a flower
Instead of a sea of fire, I hope it turns into a field of flowers
Demons wander around on the road
My brain floats around in this complicated air
A bird that's flying high ends up snatching my brain
But I'm flying on that bird's back


I'ma look back, I'ma look back to the future in fact
Let me examine the progress, the demons that tried to
Suffocate the road to success
I'ma look forward into the sea oblivious sea I call "history"
Thunderous waves that rage
Destroying the maze of memories, I wanna see
And so, should I give up
But really, can I give up? We live in a time and space
A world full of blinds, it makes me wanna give up
But then again, no, I shouldn't give up
I feel it inside, don't wanna give up
We live in a time and space
A world full of blinds, now I've had enough

Calling out for help on this carousel
Life is like a dare or an open fair
I just wanna tell, tell the citadel dream
Empire, campfire, unpile old files, set fire
Rise higher, go wild and chase my dream
That's why I

Never give up, ooh (Ayy, ayy)
Never give up, ooh-ooh-ooh (Ayy, ayy)
Listen to my words, I'm a little different (Ooh)
Never give up, ooh-ooh (Ayy, ayy)
Never give up, ooh (Ayy, ayy)
Never give up, ooh-ooh-ooh (Ayy, ayy)
To see tomorrow, I run a little more
Never give up (Ayy, ayy)

Magyar fordításom: 

Fogy az idő

Mint az álmaim, nap és éj

Egy pillanatra elégetem a szomjam

Az emlékeim kidobtam

Olyan, mint egy forgatókönyv nélküli dráma

Elérkezik a kitalálhatatlan vég

A por, ami a régi elmém takarta

Most lehúzza a jelenlegi álmaim

Visszagondolok a fekete éjszakákra, amiket elpusztítottam

Most a nap karmazsin fényét cipelem én

A hideg hajnal a falon

Egy magányos holdat mutat, és eltakarja az arcom

Mintha feketére akarna festeni

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