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Elena POV:

I screamed as the person let go of me, and backed up cursing. "What the hell El?!" The voice yelled as I breathed heavily trying to think of who called me that. When it came to me. The mystery stalker was only my best friend Tristan.

"Jesus Christ." I said turning around to look at him as he smiled down at me, while I glared back. What the hell was wrong with this kid? I thought to myself rolling my eyes at his smiling face.

"Nope just me." He smiled proudly at himself as I shoved him out of the way so I wouldn't be standing still trapped between the walls of the alley and him. Something still just didn't feel right about any of this, and I didn't want to be blocked from my main exit if something did happen after all. Before I made my way out of the alley I looked around me, still feeling like I was being watched. Though there was nobody around what so ever, besides me and Tristan though of course. "Hey you okay?" Asked Tristan as he made his way in front of me to see my scared and partly confused face. As I still looked around just double checking my surrounding. Though no matter how many times I looked around nobody was there, and I was starting to get a headache from moving my head so much.

"Yea I'm fine." I said looking down afraid he would be able to tell that I was lying to him. Me and Tristan you see had been best friends for as long as I could remember. His parents were Ariel and Eric, like from the story of the Little Mermaid. Though it wasn't hard to believe. He looked just like both his parents. He had Eric's dark hair, and most of his looks, but he had Ariel's sea green eyes, and better yet he could still turn into a merman. So it truly never surprised anybody that his parents were Eric and Ariel. His mom had really helped out my family in one of there quests to save all good and defeat the evil. I mean just the regular hero story, but she still had helped, and if she hadn't who knows how that little quest would have gone. Then who knows where I or the rest of my family would be now. So right from the time when I was born we were good friends. Though he was only three months older then me, we had just became such great friends so quickly, even as toddlers. He was like a brother to me the closest thing I had actually.  He had protected me ever sense we had been children, along with playing with me even if that meant having a tea party with me. Tristan had been there to do so. So it wasn't hard to tell when the other was lying, cause we just new each other so we'll.

"Are you sure your okay El you seem really shaken up?" He asked me, concern written across his face, but I couldn't let him know. Know that I felt I was being watched or fallowed. He would just go tell my parents who would just get worried for no real reason. I didn't need them on my back more then they already were, and it really wasn't anybody else's business. I could handle myself just fine without anybody else's help no matter what anyone else thought, I could handle myself. I mean it was probably nothing anyway so there was no use in telling anyone anyway. It would just worry them for no reason, and nobody wanted that. Thats just what I had to go with, that it was nothing. At least I really hoped it wasn't.

"Really Tristan I'm fine you just scared me is all. You should really know better then to sneak up on somebody like that geez. I mean don't you know who my family is. I don't think they would be very pleased if they found out that you gave there daughter a heart attack, do you? I sure don't think so." I said shoving him playfully, hoping that would take care of any doubts he seemed to have about me. Or any possibility that he thought I wasn't telling him the truth, but he still seemed to have some doubt in those sea green eyes of his.

"Sorry. I figured you'd have known it was me, or at least somebody not worth running away from." He said still giving me an unsure look. Like I belonged in a freaking mental hospital or something. Though at this rate I wouldn't be to far off. "Who did you think I was anyway, I mean this is Storybook? Who don't you know here, I mean come on it's just a bunch of fairytale characters who got sweeped up into a world they don't quite understand?" He asked continuing with his questions I really didn't feel like answering, but I knew Tristan. If I didn't tell him what was going on he would just keep bugging me about it, or worse tell my parents. Who would then never let me out of there sight again, and I just couldn't have that, I would for sure die. They all worried to much, but in the process it made me feel like I was suffocating from all there worries. I knew they meant well, but I don't think they knew how I felt when they acted as such, know matter how many times I told them so. They would never understand. Which always made me feel like I wasn't one of them know matter how many times they told me that wasn't true. I still felt that way, and I couldn't change the way I felt even if I tried to.

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