The Full Story

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Elena's dream

Dreams used to be so boring, and there used to be no point in sleep, but that wasn't the case anymore. Yes sleep to six year old me was still a hassle for my parents and myself, but there was more of a point to it. Because Peter was there, and he was one of my best friends. At least then he was.

Peter showed me many things the island had to offer, and I was quite a natural he said. When he first taught me how to fly it took me mere minutes to learn how to fly as high, and as fast as Peter. That day he told me he had a surprise in store of me, and I was dying to know what it was. Maybe he was going to teach me how to wield a sword, or maybe we were going to go swim with the mermaids like he had talked about in the past. I was looking forward to find out though that didn't mean I truly wanted to sleep. "Elena you must sleep. It's Neal's birthday tomorrow you want as much rest as you can get for that don't you?" My father said while he sat by my bed to try to get me to sleep. My mother wasn't home she was in Wonderland visiting my grandfather Jefferson or also known as the Mad Hatter.

"I don't want to see Neal he always calls me Cous, and I'm not his Cous!" I whined  to my father while he shock his head getting a bit annoyed with all my fuss.

"Elena please go to sleep for me." My father begs me while I glare at him. Who is he to tell me to sleep? I don't want to sleep know matter how tired I am, or how anxious I am to see Peter. I won't let him win so easily.

"What's it in it for me?" I asked as he begins to chuckle.

"You act so much like your Great Grandfather Rumple." He states while I smile proudly. Sense I was born I have always had the same spark Grandfather Rumple did for making deals.

"Why thank you."

"That's not always a good thing El. Anyway how about this I'll buy you ice cream tomorrow if you go to sleep right now." He offered while I debated it in my head. I did love ice cream, and I wasn't really out anything I got to see Peter again along with his surprise, and I got ice cream.

"Deal." I said shacking his hand while he smiled in victory, but he didn't know truthfully I had won. Because I got two things I wanted. I got to go see Peter, and I got ice cream. He kissed me on the head then left the room closing the door behind him, and I fell right asleep. A smile on my face because when I awoke I would be in Neverland with Peter.


I awoke stretching my arms out as I looked around the green forest around me, and couldn't help but let a smile form across my face. I stood up quickly looking around looking for my green eyed friend, but didn't see him anywhere. "Peter! Peter! Peter Pan! Peter!" I called out to him turning around swiftly in a circle looking for Peter when I heard rustling coming from a bush behind me. "Peter?" I asked getting a bit worried. Peter usually came out right away he wouldn't try to scare me like this. As I watched carefully at where the rustling was coming from I couldn't help but whimper in fear. A moment later a girl walked out a smile on her face when she saw me, she also had paint all over her face like a mask.

"There you are we've been looking everywhere for you Elena." She smiled as she walked closer to me while I backed up screaming as loud as I could. The girl stopped covering her ears thats when I saw something green fly from the sky and there Peter was holding me while I whimpered in his arms.

"Shh it's okay I'm here now. I'm here." He cooed as tears streamed down my face as I looked at the girl behind us. Peter noticed my attention changing from him onto something else and turned around as well. "What did you do?!" He scolded the girl holding me close to his chest while sending glares to the girl behind us.

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