The Saving Clare

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Peters POV:

I kissed her hand tenderly, telling her it was going to be okay. I could feel the deathly stares of her family as they glared at me thinking this was my fault, and I knew thats exactly what it was. Elena had given me so many chances to change. To try to run out Pan, and get the darkness at bay, but after what happened to Clare I didn't think it was possible. I knew I loved Elena, but I also knew the darkness was always lurking, and if I were to get to close to her the darkness would consume her as-well. She gave me a small smile, and with it I knew. "Somebody get me the water from the heart of Neverland, and quickly! We don't have much time." I screamed quickly looking over my shoulder to see Jasper run off quickly taking a look at the stone cold body of Drew as blood still trickled away from him. I looked back to see Elena's eyes fluttering closed making me go into a panic. "No you stay with me Elena! You hear me, you gotta stay awake, keep your eyes open. Please Elena, I'm lost without you." I mumbled into her hair, but she didn't stir. "Where is that water?!" I screamed back to the crowd forming.

I could now hear the cries of her family. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Henry grasping Grace crying for their daughter to wake from an endless sleep. I saw her friends all standing together trying to comfort one another begging for it to be some kind of trick. I saw the darknesses cruel smile telling me I could never win, and I would soon become Peter Pan once again, that the short time I got just being Peter was a gift, but to give it up. This was reality, and it was a dark cruel place. 

"Elena, please you gotta wake up. You can't die for nothing. I won't let you, but if you really let go of life as you know it your letting the darkness win. I can't live without you El. I love you." I say in nothing but a mere whisper so only she can hear. All being true. I won't live without her, I can't.

"Well its about time those words were said." I look down not knowing where the voice came from, but Elena still looks as sickly as ever. Appearing as if she hadn't moved at all. "You never were really bright were you Peter." The voice calls again this time I hear some gasps from behind me and a mumble of a name being spoke. 'Clare.'

I whip around to see standing in all her glory the one and only Clarissa. She smiles faintly at me as a blue glow surrounds her. She carefully makes her way over to me and Elena never loosing eye contact with me. When she does finally stand side by side with me she looks down at Elena in shock.

"I've kept my distance, but I just never expected us to look so similar. However I can tell she's much stronger, even now I can still hear a faint heartbeat." Clare says with a small smile on her face as she kneels down beside me and Elena and I looked at her shocked.

"Clarissa, is that really you?" I ask my eye wide with uncertainty. I was madly and deeply in love with Elena, but there was always something about ones first love that can never leave you, and see her standing there I guess it was just hard to cope with. After all I never thought I'd see her again.

"Well who else would it be Peter?" She chuckled looking at me with the same glint in her eyes that was there years ago. "It really good to see you." 

I was about to tell her how much I missed her and what she was doing here when Grace interrupted.

"Can you help her?" Grace's voice trembled as Henry gripped her hand looking at us then his daughter that laid unmoving on the sand. Clare looked at the grief struck parents then to the others around us, and then lastly locked her eyes with my own. Everyone here love and cared for Elena in one way or another, and I could see Clare did as well. If I knew her at all I predicted she had been watching over Elena ever sense I found her when she was only a baby. Probably protecting her from what the darkness could have done. When all this was over I'd have to remember to thank her.

"I can do more then that I can give her her old life back. There is a catch however, she won't remember any of this. Neverland, the Lost Boys, Red Skins, Pixies, you Peter. She won't remember any of it." Clare gulped looking at me sadly while my eyes went wide again before I looked down at the girl I loved more then anything else bleeding out in my lap.

"Do it, its best for her to forget all this and return home where she belongs." Henry said, I could feel the sharp glare coming from him pointed at me, but I wouldn't remove my eyes from Elena's face.

"With all due respect, I believe it should be Peter's decision. After all she is dying for him I'm sure she'd want her fate in his capable hands." Clare countered as Elena's family turned to glare at her but she didn't even flinch.

"Do it or I swear you'll regret it." Regina growled as a ball of fire erupted from her hand ready to be thrown at Clare and I.

"I'm sorry but the decision is up to Peter." She said calmly as Regina threw the ball of fire our way but it was like a forcefield had been placed over us because as it neared Clare, maybe three inches away it bounced right off. An argument began to brew outside the forcefield as Clare turned to me once more. "Peter what do you want me to do? She has but minutes left."

"She's the love of my life Clare. To not have her in my life would be complete torment. I don't know if I could even keep the darkness at bay without her by my side, but to have her dead would be another nightmare entirely.  I couldn't survive knowing I could have done something so she could live a happy carefree life. I love her to much for that." I said as I stroked Elena's cheek gently as if she was a fine piece of delicate art which to me she was, but she far from delicate. She was strong and courages, and would never take no for an answer, and thats why I loved her so much. That's why I had to let her go. "Do whatever you have to Clare, just make sure she lives." I said standing up and walking a few feet away. I couldn't watch as the girl I loved  turned out not to remember me.

Clares POV:

"Do whatever you have to Clare, just make sure she lives." Peter told me before standing up and walking a few feet away from me and Elena.

Peter had changed drastically sense the last time I'd seen him. Though that was before all the darkness had consumed him. Like him I knew of darkness. From my life back in the Enchanted Forest and my abusive father I knew what darkness was even up until the darkness killed me with the Dreamshade. I'd lived with a from of darkness surrounding my whole life, but yet I always tried to see the light of goodness instead. I knew how to get past the evil in this world because you could never truly destroy it. Elena knew this, but she killed the parts inside Peter, something I could never do. I looked back at Peter, my first love, and my last. I was but memory now, and I knew that yet I stayed until I was needed. I didn't leave this world because I had to make sure Peter kept up with his promise, and when he met Elena that promise had started to be fulfilled. I couldn't let it end there.

"Elena Mills you are all kinds of special." I joked as I looked at those around us, those who loved her. "You also have a huge heart for all these people to love you. Your everything I can't be. Once upon a time all you wanted was to be a hero like your family, and I want to let you in on a little secret, you were always the hero Elena. Now even more so then ever. You saved all of Neverland and everyone on it, and most importantly you saved Peter. That is something I could never have done. I envy that. So I'm going to make you a deal okay, I'm going to save you and make sure you keep your memories, and in return your going to watch out for Peter for me. Because after this I'll never be able to see any of you again, so I really need you to do this for me alright? Alright lets do this." I said looking at Peter one last time before closing my eyes and letting the poison and darkness consume me. 

I had died so long ago, but my soul still lived and breathed in Neverland. A place where no one grew old, and a adventure was around every corner. If I had stayed in the Enchanted Forest I would be a old lady most likely dead by now. My soul was old, and Neverland was young. It needed a new soul to carry on with, and Elena was just that. She would do well in Neverland, she would flourish and have a wonderful life here something I couldn't have any longer. I was dead and I needed to let go. I had to live a new adventure, one on the other side because I didn't belong here any more, but Elena did.

I didn't regret anything, far from it actually. Instead I felt like I was flying. I felt like I was flying through the clouds and to a new land at the first star to the right, and straight on till morning. That was my new adventure and I couldn't wait.

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