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Elena POV:

"Don't blame yourself to harshly dear, you can't change a person who doesn't want to save themselves." My mother Grace told me stroking my hair in a motherly way. I had been back in the Pixie Ring sense late last night. My family and friends had wanted to comfort me in my time of need, and though I knew they meant well I couldn't stand to see them looking at me as if I was broken in some way. It was like everyone had been anticipating what was to come, all but myself that is. When I entered the cavern to get into the Pixie Ring not only my family, but those I called my friends who resinated in Neverland awaited me. Sad looks painting their faces, all but Clarions who took one look at me before telling her guards to inform her warriors and everyone else we would go to war in the morning. Hearing those words broke my heart knowing there was nothing else I could do to stop it. I had tried so hard to help Peter, and expected I would succeed, but in reality I'd failed. Now who knew how many lives would be lost because of me. So therefore I had retreated immediately back to my chambers hoping to get away from all the heart broken stares. I had stayed away from them as long as I could, but now it was time to face the music.

We were about to head out into the edges of Neverland to face Peter head on, and only hope that we won, but a part of me didn't want to.

However here I sat as my mother brushed out my hair before braiding it. Here I was preparing to take down not only the Lost Boys but Peter Pan. I along with everyone else in the Ring were preparing ourselves to shed blood. The blood of those who only wanted one thing in life, and that was to be young, loved, and free for the rest of their days. It wasn't anything dark or gruesome they just didn't want to grow up. Because growing up meant pain and loss, and who could blame them for not wanting to go through such sorrow. Just sometimes they didn't fight their battles with words but instead with swords which caused great destress on the island and those on it because they were then seen as evil. When in reality none of these people were. Not even Peter was. Pan maybe, but that was such a great dark force that it was nearly impossible to destroy. No, Peter would have to do that all on his own when the time came.

Letting out a large sigh my mother put the brush down looking at me through the mirror, both of our grey eyes glistening in the light. "I'm not foolish, I know what is troubling you, but after what his done, to you, to our family. I can't help but wonder why you do so?" My mother asked as I looked down in my lap not wanting to face her. "Elena your my daughter you can tell me anything, I'd never judge you." She said making her way to my side and lifting my chin up to look at her as she smiled softly down at me.

"Oh mother I feel as if everything is upside down. Everything I was taught to hate and not believe in I've learned was wrong, and the things you said were dark and dangerous I now see as being full of life. Mother, Peter is not all to blame, he is being controlled by the darkness planted here in Neverland. His just lost. He just can't see like we can, in some ways he just can't. His trapped here just as much as I was, and the rest of you." I cried, tears streaming down my face as my mother quickly brought me in for a hug as she began to coo to me that everything would be okay.

"Elena I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you something that could make this all better or tell you what to do to make it so, but the thing is I can't. Elena this is your story, your fate, and your future. It all depends on you, not your family, not this island, the darkness, or even Pan. No matter the force that you believe control you or Peter there is no power greater or even equal then your own. You make your own destiny, so don't let this day define who you are nor your future. You do what you think is right. Nobody else, but you." My mother said with a smile on her beautiful face as she kissed my head before walking to the door. "Just remember Elena no matter what happens me and your family love you very much, and we'll always stand behind you. No matter what." Then with that she walked out leaving me with only my thoughts and nothing more.

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