In the Dark

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Elena POV:

Two weeks had now passed sense any of us had heard from Peter, and I was beginning to get restless. I couldn't remember much about my past. Just bits and pieces to go off of, but nothing that was useful to understand anything. Though I knew it wasn't normal to be gone this long. Even the Lost Boys were beginning to fathom and fear about the whereabouts of Peter. Something was wrong and it wasn't just me who was starting to tell.

Though the whereabouts of Peter weren't the only thing's that had me on edge. Jasper and Drew had been acting even odder then usual, and that was most certainly saying something. Before they wanted me outside the tree house that I woke up in, and hanging out with the Lost Boys. It was meant to try and help me get back into the swing of things. Though now they were discreetly trying to keep me inside the tree house. Saying things like one of the boys was really sick, and a lot of the others were beginning to catch it so I should stay up in the tree so I wouldn't catch it as well. Or even going as far as saying the pollen count was extremely high, and that I was be sneezing for weeks if I wasn't carful. Silly pathetic little lies like that, that certainly weren't hard to figure out. I also had begun to notice Lost Boys leaving camp, and returning with wounds from what looked like swords, arrows, and even sometimes magic. How I knew so I didn't know, but I could just tell. Something was going on, and I was determined to find out what. No matter the cost.

I made my way silently out of the tree house as the boys ran frantically around below for who knew what reasons. I looked around until I spotted Drew and Jasper, and quickly looked around to see where I could easily over hear what they were saying without being spotted. Though as I looked around I saw no place I could go that I still wouldn't be spotted at. Thats when I noticed the long hanging branches both boys were standing under. The tree was close enough I could touch it, but only if I climbed up above the tree house. It was my only option so I quickly began climbing hopefully nobody noticed what I was doing. Once I got to the top of the tree I jumped onto a nearby branch that was connected to the tree the boys were standing under. I then made my decent until I was just far enough above them so I could hear them, but have I did anything drastic or they looked up there was no chance they wouldn't be able to see me. I could only hope they didn't look up.

"They got through the barriers that's all Pan said." Jasper said harshly to Drew who was rubbing his face stressed out by the looks of it.

"How's that possible though? Pan cast the barrier specifically so they couldn't get in, and all of a sudden, after all this time they can magical get in. That doesn't even make sense." Drew spoke annoyed while Jasper just shock his head in thought.

"Don't ask me all I know is Neverland is about to get a lot more crowded. They won't stop not until they get her back you know that." Jasper said taking out his knife to work on sharpening his spear that he always lugged around on his back as Drew nodded yes in understanding. "Just as we should all know, Pan won't let that happen. He cares about her, it's impossible not to notice even if he doesn't want to admit it. She gives him something that he lost long ago. Something nobody thought he'd ever show again." Jasper said a small smile falling onto his face as Drew looked at him oddly.

"What exactly would that be?" Drew asked him confused as Jasper just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Open you eyes Drew, she had made him open up to possibilities, and most importantly his heart. To let things in, and not be sheltered in away from everything." Jasper said as a small smile fell upon his face as Drew looked at the ground thinking about it for a minute. He then looked up, and looked a bit sad.

"He'll never admit that to himself, let alone her. His never going to change Jasper."

"Maybe not, but why do you think his going through all this so those people can't get in? For a good laugh? No, he doesn't want to let her go. It's probably for the best she doesn't know who she is at the moment or we'd have a real problem on our hands." Jasper said as I squinted my eyes at them from above beyond confused. First of who was the 'she' they kept talking about, second off why did they think Peter had feelings for her. Without even truly realizing it I wanted to know who the girl was to know what she had that I did not. I mean what made her so special.

"Well it's a good thing Elena can barley remember her own name let alone her family or her past." Drew said as a loud gasp escaped my mouth making the boys look around frantically. I quickly covered my mouth afraid even the lowest breath would direct their attention above to where I sat listing in on them. I would be in some real trouble then.

Then there was the information I had just learned. They thought Peter loved me, and he was also keeping someone or something away from me. I kept reminding myself however that Peter was the only one I could trust on this island, and the only one who had been there for me sense I could see clearly. He wouldn't lie to me, and even if he was it had to be for good reasons. Right? I just had to tell myself Drew and Jasper didn't know what they were talking about, and I shouldn't worry about it. Still something in the back of my mind kept making it impossible.

"Hey do you hear that?" Asked Drew as he looked around, but as I listened closely I couldn't hear anything.

"It's Pan's flute he must need something, come on we got to go. Round up the boys!" Jasper yelled running toward the sound of the flute I presumed, but I still couldn't hear anything no matter how hard I listened. Drew then ran off to fetch the boys, and before I knew it the camp was empty. I looked around once more before hopping out of the tree onto the forest floor.

I walked around hoping to find something to give me some kind of clue as to what was going on, but there was nothing worth investigating. Nor anything to put my heart at ease as to where Peter was. I was honestly growing worried. Nobody would tell me anything, and it had been two week sense the last time I'd heard from Peter. I couldn't just sit here and wait for something to happen. What if he needed help, or he was in danger. Though then again the Lost Boys had just left because they had apparently heard Peter's flute, but that only seemed to worry me more. Why hadn't I heard it? Why was nobody telling me anything? What was going on?!

"Help! Somebody Help!" Yelled a voice coming from somewhere in the forest. I took off running until I got to the edge of camp before looking back once more. I wasn't going to be getting answers from anyone here. So what was stopping me from going to find some of my own, and maybe help someone on the way. With these thoughts clouding my head I ran off in search of the voice who needed help, and hopefully who could give me answers.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated lately, but I've been really busy with finals. Though now that there done I will be updating more often so this is my way for making up for it. Also this chapter is probably my worst chapter yet, but that's because it is just a filler to get characters where they need to be for the upcoming chapters and storyline. Please keep reading, you guys are the best. Thanks, love you!

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