Second Star to the Right and Straight on Till Morining

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Elena POV:

"I can't believe what I'm hearing right now." He chuckled as I looked at him oddly.

"And what would that be exactly?" I asked annoyed still trying to get away from him but it seemed to be no use.

"Your not mad at me for ditching you. Your mad at me because you feel as if I lead you on when I tried to kiss you." He said smirking down at me evilly making me glare darkly back.

"Don't be ridiculous. I didn't know what you were doing, but if I had I would have pushed you away in a mere instant." I spat angrily at his assumption trying to shake it off.

"Oh come on Elena you know as well as I do that you wanted that kiss to happen." He said smirking I assumed, however I wouldn't meet his eyes.

"How is that?" I snorted at him as I smiled amused at his idea of a bad joke.

"Because I too wanted that kiss to happen." He said making my eyes go wide before I franticly looked up at him, but before I could say a single word his lips crashed onto mine.

I think he waited for me to push him away. I think I even waited a moment for instinct to kick in, and push him away, but it never came. No, instead I kissed back as my arms instead on instinct snaked there way around his neck. Only making the kiss more intense. I couldn't help but push back anything I had thought earlier. Confusion, anger, annoyance, sadness, and the feeling of being lost were all out of mind as I kissed Peter. Everything seemed to disappear. It was that kind of kiss you only could read about, but here it was, and it was with an unlikely soul, but it didn't bother me. The only thing I was focused on was Peter and me, because that's all that mattered at the moment.

Finally we pulled apart having to take a breather as we stared lovingly at each other. I could tell me cheeks were a hot red, but for once I didn't care. Nothing could ruin this moment. Absolutely nothing. Peter then smiled at me before taking my hand and began leading me out of camp. I looked around to see if any of the Lost Boys noticed, but they too were in their own little worlds. Nobody even noticed what had just occurred or that we leaving camp, and I suppose that was for the best. There was no way they would ever let us live it down if they knew.

"Peter where are we going?" I asked giggling as we continued walking up a bit of a slope, but Peter just hushed me. So instead I began to look at the area in front of me. Though it was dark I could still make some of out, and I couldn't help but feel as if I recognized it somehow. It just had that feeling of familiarity to it, but yet I couldn't place it.

Finally we reach the top of the slope like hill, but were blocked by vines. Peter looked back at me a smile on his face. Not one of his nasty smirks, or small smiles, but a true elegant and fairly large smile. I never thought I'd seen such a sight, and only wished it would never leave. It seemed to suit him. Peter then pushed away the vines so I could see the most breath taking view before me. Yes, in all truth it was very dark, but that's what made it so beautiful. Because the stars shone down on the hill that over looked the ocean below. Though it only made me recognize it even more. I knew for a absolute fact that I'd been here maybe more then once even.

"Do you like it?" Peter asked smiling at me while I continued to look around in complete aww of it all.

"Like it, Peter I love it! It's absolutely incredible, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it in my life." I complimented before taking a seat on the edge of the cliff looking down at the ocean below. It really was breath taking, no doubt about it.

"I thought you'd like it. Especially sense you've been here before and thought the same thing." He said with a chuckle as I looked back at him for confirmation.

"So thats why this place felt familiar? I wondered if I'd been here before. That makes so much more sense now. Thank you for showing it to me... Again that is." I joked while he nodded back at me speaking to me in a silent sorta way.

"Well if you can't remember it from the past then why not make new memories of it. You were right. You can't remember anything, and I shouldn't force you to try. So instead I'll help make new ones to replace the old ones. Elena I promised you I'd help you regain your memories, and I will, but for the time being this is how I'm going to do it. Plus who knows maybe seeing things like this that come from your past will trigger something." He said holding my hand delicately like I was a fine piece of china that could break any moment.

"Thank you Peter you have no idea how much that means to me." I said as I hugged him close to me. Once we pulled apart I expected us to pull apart, but instead we only pulled apart some, and he leaned in and kissed me once again. Though unlike the last one which seemed almost a little desperate and eager. This one was gentle and smooth like we knew what we were doing when I could tell neither one of us did. I mean how could we.

When he finally broke apart hands still clasping one another we laid down on the grass, and looked up at the stars above us. They twinkled and shined. The way I felt when I was with Peter at the very moment, no matter how cheesy it sounded. I then looked up toward the brightest star in the sky which glimmered much brighter then any star ever should or seemed possible for that matter. Peter must of noticed my look of confusion as I looked up at the star.

"The second star to the right." He said pointing up at it as I looked over at him for further explanation in the matter. "That star is the door in and out of Neverland, and is how we all got here." He explained as I looked up at that one little star in shock.

"How is that possible?" I asked him curiously.

"Well it doesn't do it on its own. The Shadow helps, but it is the door in and out." He said as I nodded my head in understanding. I guess it was nice to know a little bit on how I got here even if it wasn't much. It wasn't like it mattered anyway its not like I was going anywhere anyway.

"Second star to the right and straight on till morning." I mumbled up toward the sky as Peter looked over at me momentarily as a small smile fell upon his face.

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