Forgotten Memories

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Elena's Dream:

I had never liked the idea of sleep even at a young age. Because when you slept you were swept up into a completely different world that couldn't be escaped easily. Because when you slept you lost track of time, of sense, and of all the world around you that you thought you knew so well. Though this night was different even to my seven year old self. I knew I would get my surprise that he had promised me the night before which had seemed like ages ago. I had always hated when my parents had rushed me off to bed, but tonight I was the running for them to tuck me in and let me sleep, but it was also my seventh birthday so they let me stay up later. But in all truth all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and head into my dream world that had turned into a second home the past month or so. About a month ago I had started to have the strangest dreams that at first made no sense to me, but were full of the most wonderful things that made me not complain. It was a enchanting little island that I still didn't know what to call it, but the boy there who I had become wonderful friends with had taught me so many incredible things. Like how to fly and even throw a dagger correctly. It was all so magical to my seven year old mind. There was nothing to describe it, or the way I felt once I stepped foot in it's sand. I felt powerful. The boy told me the island was built on pure belief so as long as I believed I would always have a connection to the island where it would always open itself up to me with open arms. I loved the way he spoke his mind, and I admired him for that.

So these were my reason why I couldn't wait for the idea of sleep to finally take it's toll on me. I wanted to fall into my dream world so I could see him again, so I could feel mighty and strong, I wanted to fly, and I wanted to feel that indescribable feeling of being on that island again. Finally, my father Henry picked me up setting me on his hip carrying me to my room my mother Grace waiting for me sitting on my bed smiling. "It's time for bed my darling girl." My mother stated while I smiled happily at her jumping out of my fathers arms and climbing in bed.

"Somebody's tired." My father spoke chuckling at me while my mother smiled at me completely shocked in my excitement of sleep which was unlike me.

"Elena you are acting quite strange, are you feeling well?" She asked seven year old me while I nodded up at her smiling widely.

"Yes mommy, I just really want to go to my dream world right now is all." I told her truthfully while she looked at my father strangely.

"Why is that exactly baby girl?" Asked my father while I looked at him oddly like mother had just did.

"Because I've had the most wonderful dreams lately, and I think tonight will be the best one yet, and I just can't wait so can I please go to sleep now?" I asked looking up at them pleadingly while they both chuckled down at me, but I just pouted more wanting to sleep now. I just wanted to go to my dream world already, was that to much to ask for?

"Of course darling sleep well." My father said kissing my head before walking to the door, but stopped there waiting for my mother to fallow.

"Sweet dreams my dear girl I'll see you in the morning, and happy birthday." She said kissing my head like my father while I giggled at them while I said blowing them kisses.

"Good night mommy, good night daddy. I love you." I said while cuddling my pillow my eyes already starting to flutter shut.

"Goodnight Elena, we love you too." They said before shutting the door, and I fell into my dream world a smile plastered on my face the whole time.


I jumped up in joy as I opened up my eyes looking around me franticly looking for the boy I had befriended in my dreams. Though I didn't see him I could feel his presence nearby, and I knew he was watching me, but was also trying to fool me. But I wasn't easily fooled from after our first encounter. So instead I looked around me to face unfamiliar territory. I stomped my foot annoyed that he had sent me to a territory I didn't know so I would have to wait for him. "Please come out I already know your out there!" I called out loudly while slumped down on top of a rock to wait for him to make a appearance which I knew he would soon, he was one to get bored quite quickly. I wavered the option to just go exploring myself and not wait for him at all, and have him find me, but then I remembered the surprise he promised me the night before and knew I had to stay. So I sat there waiting until I finally heard the sound of leaves rustling, and out he came a smile on his face.

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