A Possible Heart

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Elena POV:

As I stretched from my night of dreams I looked around not sure of where I was. I recognized enough of the surrounding area to know I was in camp, but what I couldn't understand was why I was not in my little bird cage. I would have thought Peter would have locked me back up at the first chance he got, but here I was no bars anywhere to be seen. Though I had know idea where I was so maybe there was an enchantment keeping me inside. But as I looked around closer I could tell I was in some kind of tent, but the real questions was who's. A moment later the curtain leading to the outside world was brushed open and Seth walked in. "Seth?" I asked confused as to why he was here, or then again maybe this was his tent. I honestly wasn't sure of anything at the moment.

"Mother, mother your awake!" Seth yelled happily as he ran over to me jumping into my arms while I looked at him with raised eyebrows. 'Mother?' I was more then surprised by his statement, but either way I couldn't help but smile from it. Seth was a young, innocent, little boy who was much to young to not have a family that consisted of a parent figure, and if I was to be that figure I would be honored.

"What is it?" I asked smiling down at him while I held him on my hip while I stood up slipping my shoes on that somebody must have taken off. I was quite curious of it all. It wasn't like most of the Lost Boys to act in such a kindly fashion. Of course there was Seth and Jasper, and a few others who talked up, and didn't act cruel, but the others were to confirmable in there own little bubbles to speak out at all. Though I was determined to pop those bubbles and show them to a new world.

"We have been waiting for you to wake up. We're going to take you on a adventure around Neverland!" Seth said excitedly while I chuckled at his anxiousness. Though I was a little uncertain on who the 'We' was, and what this adventure was going to consist of who knows it could be quite dreadful.

"Seth who's tent is this?" I asked him first off knowing the question was going to bug me till I got a answer for it.

"Yours mother. Pan figured you'd want one of your own." He smiled a toothy grin, and I couldn't help but blush slightly because of the dream I had last night about Peter, and how he used to be. Now he had given me my own tent instead of the cramped bird cage, maybe he could be helped after all. Maybe just maybe he had a heart worth saving.

"Well that was very nice of  him." I smiled at him warmly before I took a breath to ask my next question. "Seth who is all going on this little adventure?" I asked him as he tilted his head to the side and shrugged unsure of the answer. I gulped a bit nervous myself, but before I could stop myself I walked outside.

Outside Lost Boys of all ages were training with swords, arrows, daggers, clubs, and even spears. I didn't know why the training was necessary, but I wasn't about to point that out. Peter was finally showing a bit of heart I wasn't about to ruin it not only for me, but for Seth, Jasper, or any of the others. A fire was roaring in the middle of the camp, and through the large flames I could see Peter watching me his eyes intense looking. I looked down a slight red tinge appearing oh my cheeks Seth then started giggling while poking my now extremely red cheeks. "Mommy are you okay your red?" Seth asked giggling while he touched my cheeks again.

"I'm fine darling why don't you go find Colin, Joey, or Nat." I told him setting him down while he ran away giggling away. I looked at the fire again prepared to see Peter through the flames again, but when I looked back he was gone.

"Looking for me are you?" Said a voice right at my ear while I jumped back surprised. I was about to trip over my own feet from the person behind scaring me, but before I could get very far they grabbed me and held me in their strong arms. When I looked up to meet their face I was met with stunning emerald eyes looking down at me. "Woah there El. We don't want you hurting yourself now do we?" Peter asked chuckling while I went back to the night before the Shadow took me. Peter said the same exact words in my dream. I couldn't tell if he was trying to mock me again or if he was just trying to act cheeky. Though it wouldn't surprise me if it were both.

"I believe you've already told me that before Pan, using old catch fraces that's not like you. Are you going soft?" I joked while he laughed a real laugh. Honestly I don't think I had heard him laugh a true laugh sense before my dreams had started to get bad when I had been young.

"Me go soft? Never." He chuckled while lifting me up so I was standing now, and not leaning on him which sent a shiver down my spine, but I didn't understand why. Along with a heat in my cheeks to erupt, and I could tell I was blushing a dark red. "Oh look-ey here. Elena Mills is blushing, and may I say I believe that's because of me?"  He said lifting my face up to meet his smiling one.

"I don't know what your talking about Pan. We're very close to the fire at the moment, and I'm getting quite hot. That has nothing to do with you." I sassed him trying not to think about how close we were at this very moment.

"Actually it does because this is my fire." He told me after leaning into my ear only making me blush harder from what he said. I looked down to the floor taking deep breaths till my cheeks cooled down then looked back up at him. Ready to change to topic, and just go on this stupid adventure already.

"So Seth told me we were going on a adventure want to tell me what that's all about?" I asked him shaking my head dismissing the odd feelings I was having because of that boy, and the heated blush I had just went through.

"Well Miss. Mills I was thinking, you haven't gotten the true experience of Neverland. So I thought to myself whats life without a little adventure." He smirked at me while the Lost Boys made there way over to us and we all walked into the dense forest ready for a adventure.

Peter Pan POV:

This was far to easy. I had thought about the threats she had promised me, and I thought to myself how do I keep Elena Mills, a hero's child from opening up one of the greatest villains of all times heart. Well the answer was quite simple mostly because the answer was in the question. She was a child of so many hero's, some that had been at one point what made being villain and being evil both those things. She would do what any hero would do, and that would be show them what true love is, and open my heart to that feeling, and like all hero's that was also her weakness. I would let her think she had opened my heart to the possibility of 'Love'. Though when the time came where she trusted me, and wanted to stay here in Neverland with myself and the Lost Boys I would crush her own heart, and I would crush it with everything I had.

Because either way love never stays. All it is is a figment of ones imagination. It doesn't exist, and it only makes you weak for thinking it is real. I've fallen for the trick once before, and it destroyed me completely. I wouldn't go through that again. So I had promised myself I would make those who threatened me feel the same pain I did when I lost my heart. Truthfully I hadn't lost my heart I had chosen to give it up, along with the feelings that came with it, and soon Elena Mills would be doing the same thing.

A/U please please please read!!!!

So how are you liking the story so far? I would love to here what you think, and also what your ideas are. I want to thank everyone who has voted and commented your the best, and I really appreciate it. I've been thinking about writing another story after this, and I would like to hear what you think so please comment back. Thanks please vote and comment.


I would like to hear some ideas you all have for the story, and what you think should happen. Should we introduce some new Lost Boys? Should we bring in some mermaids, or indians? Give me some ideas and I promise I'll comment back.

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