My White Haired Vampire

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Elena POV:

So lets get one thing straight. Pixies and Fairies were two completely different things. It was like saying the north and south pole were the same things. You just didn't!

For one Fairies were found in the enchanted forest, and did only good. They were our Fairy Godmothers, Tooth Fairies, and only did what was good and best for all. Pixies on the other hand weren't all good, and didn't always use the for all common good tactic. They thought, and did good for themselves, and most of the time their people too. Also they weren't found in the Enchanted Forest they were found in darker crueler places like Neverland, and maybe even Wonderland. Mostly any place Fairies weren't. Let's just say they didn't coexist very well together.

Though like all magical creatures or those from the magical world they did have one thing in common with one another, just like they would with my family. They believed in True Love or as they called it Soul Mates. That was a very big thing for the winged people just like it was for other fairytale characters like my family, and even if I didn't want to admit it myself as well. Like most who lived in the magical world your True Love or Soul Mate was the most important thing in the world. Even for Pixies who could be selfish were also very possessive, and always needed to be near their other half. Though I wasn't to judge I knew many couples like that. I was happy for them like Snow and Charming, and even Tristan and Hara. Though I had to admit it could make you quite jealous not having something like that, but not many ever would.

It was quite rare if you found your other half, and for Pixies it was even rarer. They were so secluded from everyone else many of them never found their other half. Though some believe that to be the reason as to why they were so cruel. I did't know how I felt on that topic because I had never really met a Pixie before, but my family had met a Pixie name Tinkerbell, and she had helped save their lives more then once. So how bad could they honestly be? I mean what could possibly go wrong? Everything that's what.


As I looked at the boy with white hair I couldn't help but just stare. Maybe it was because I was traumatized from what I had just went through, maybe it was because I had just hit my head multiple times. Or maybe it was because this guy seriously had white hair, pale skin, and brilliant blue eyes. There could only be one explanation to this. He was a vampire. A vampire who decided to dye his hair snow white, and also found out what contacts were, and hey I wasn't going to complain he could really pull it off well. "Take a picture it will last longer." The boy chuckled breaking me free from my daze of sorts as he looked at me stunned, and a bit surprised. Though I wasn't sure why.

"I could tell you the same thing." I laughed as he continued looking at me in aww. Like he had never seen a girl before, and honestly it was staring to freak me out.

"Oh yes um, sorry." He mumbled, but I just rolled my eyes jokingly at him.

"It's fine I guess we're both just a little shocked. I've also never seen anyone with white hair before just a bit weird I guess." I stammered as he looked at me weirdly, but it didn't stop him to smiling crookedly at me, and I couldn't help to blush mildely. "Don't judge I just had to run away from cannibalist shadows!" I yelled at him as he put his hands up in surrender, but by his eyes I knew he was laughing at me on the inside. I gave out a sigh of annoyance while rolling my eyes at him before shaking it off. "Anyway I'm Elena, Elena Mills." I said with a small smile on my face as I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

"Oh so your Elena, we've been expecting you." He said smiling happily seeming to shake off a bit of his creepiness staring.  

"Well that defiantly doesn't sound like anything a stalker would do at all." I backed up while looking at him weirdly while he just shook his head at me looking a little panicked before sticking his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Jack by the way Jack Frost." He told me as we shook hands his almost freezing mine. I looked up at him in aww not really believing it while he smiled while chuckling at my facial expression.

I remembered my mother and father used to tell me how they had met on a cold winter day when my mother Grace slipped on some ice after getting a coffee from Grannies. My father Henry had thankfully caught her fall. They had said it was the work of Jack Frost, and now here he was.

"Aww so your not some white haired vampire, dang it I was really hoping to relive Twilight. Though there is no way I would play Bella. She's so dull with no emotion what so ever, honestly it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't even human I mean what human can't even smile." I rambled as he laughed at me, and I couldn't help but do so too. On the inside though I was punching myself for how girlish I was acting. I mean seriously I was acting like a love sick teenager it didn't make any sense I had just met Jack, and all of a sudden I was acting like this. What was happening to me?!

"Well sorry to disappoint, but I'm not some blood sucker never really liked them really. More into the zombie thing to be honest." Jack said smiling down at me as I grinned up at him.

"Good choice I think we can be friends." I joked as he wiped fake sweat off his forehead happily though he really did look relieved in some weird way.

"Oh thank god." He chuckled.

"Wait I didn't know Jack Frost was a Pixie when did that happen?" I asked him as we began walking forward or at least Jack did motioning me to follow him. Though I took one last look behind me thinking it over unsure I really trusted him really. Finally I Looked back at him to see he was looking at me worriedly so I gave him a small smile. With that I walked toward him my mind set in answers that I only prayed I would get here. Though something felt off like something big was about to happen. A part of me wanted to stay and find out, and spend some more time with Jack. The other part wanted me to run away and never look back. To just keep running until I was in Peter Pans arms. Though I didn't want to know why. That was one answer I was to scared to ever find.

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