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Elena POV:

"Where is she Tristan, you said she would meet us here?! Where's my baby girl, Henry?! Where's are daughter?" My mother Grace sobbed as my father Henry hugged her. I could see my whole family desperately waiting for me to make an appearance. My great grandparents Snow, Charming, Rumple, and Bell, my grandparents Emma, Hook, Jefferson (also known as the mad hatter), Regina, and Robin, my best friend Tristan, my 'cousin' Neal, and lastly my parents who were clinging onto one another whispering things. I was just outside the waterfall that would lead me to the Pixie ring. I was just a few feet away from my parents, and the rest of my family. A family I hadn't seen for five years, but had only felt like a few weeks for me. I didn't even know they were looking for me until I bumped into Tristan, and now here they were. Right in front of me. I figured when I'd be reunited with my family I was be jumping for joy with tears in my eyes for being saved, but I wasn't. Instead I was scared to see the outcome of them being here, and how they would react when they saw the person I had now become. What would they say when they heard of the deal I'd made with Queen Clarion?

Though none of that was important right now. What was important however was reuniting with my family after all these years. I owed them that much. I quickly stepped forward as washed rushed onto me, and with the rushing water roaring I could still hear my family gasp. I made my way through the water fall and looked up to come face to face with my beloved family. My mother had her hands clamped over her mouth as tears freely fell from her eyes as she chocked on the sight of seeing me. My fathers eyes glistened with tears he was trying to hold back to be strong for my mom as he smiled at seeing me once again. I looked at the rest of my family behind them all with tears in their eyes finally knowing I was here and safe. At least everyone but Tristan who had already had his fair share of crying when I'd bumped into him prier when I didn't have my memories and when I later got them back. Instead he just stood there smiling a large smile plastered on his face while he watched the emotions unfold around him.

"Hey." I said speaking up as my mother again gasped before running over to me enveloping me in a hug. I hadn't felt my mothers embrace for five years. I hadn't seen her grey eyes that matched my own, or her light brown hair that for years I wished I had. Instead I had gotten my fathers dark brown hair. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I began to hug her back, and soon my father joined us. I had my family back. They were here in Neverland, and they'd come to bring me home, a place I didn't even know existed anymore. From what Tristan had said, it didn't. My knew home was supposed to be in the Enchanted Forest now, but from the deal I made with Queen Clarion I didn't know if that would ever be the case.

"I never thought we'd see you again, and look at you your all grown up." My mother said pulling away from me as she brushed my hair out of my face as she looked at me with a look I'd never seen before. It was like she wasn't sure. Like she wasn't sure I was the same person I used to be, and if I still thought of her as the woman I used to. She was right to be afraid and scared because the truth was I wasn't the same person I used to be, but I still saw her the same. She was still my mom and I loved her no matter what. She didn't appear to have changed at all sense the last time I'd seen her, only appearing to be quite a bit more drained. Maybe older, but I'm sure I didn't look much better. Thats what Neverland does to you, it changes you, and not always for the better. "Oh my dear I've missed you so much." She said as she brought me in for another hug that I happily took.

"Your mothers right you look all grown up, I would have never thought here in Neverland something like that was even possible." My father said touching me cheek smiling sentimentally like at any moment I could disappear, but I understood his worry like I did my mothers. They after all had reason to fret it'd already happened once before.

"Neverland is a strange place. It may keep you young for appearance, but your soul ages. It becomes different. I don't know how but it does." I explained as they looked at each other a bit worried. Speaking of ones soul in a place like Neverland when you had people like Pan roaming around, it was a dangerous topic I suppose.

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