The Book

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Elena POV:

When me and Peter got back from our little trip to the hill the celebration was still in full swing, and the Lost Boys seemed to be more awake then ever. If that was even possible I don't know. However logic didn't seem to be stopping them in any way what so ever. Though I wasn't about to ruin their fun. They did deserve it after these past few weeks. In fact we all did. That's why I was forcing Peter to stay down in camp to hang out with the Lost Boys while I went to the tree house to rest. Because in all honesty I was exhausted beyond belief.

"I sure you want me to stay down here with the Lost Boys?" Peter asked while I looked at him like he was crazy.

"You've been gone for weeks. I'm sure not only you but the boys could use the company. They look up to you Peter, you might as well give them someone worth looking up to right" I said slipping my hand away from his as I made my way up the ladder to the tree house. Once I got up to the top I looked down from the balcony to see Peter already looking back at me. I smiled and waved at him while he smiled back longingly back at me, but I rolled my eyes at that, and pointed toward the camp fire where all the boy were settled talking. He then walked over and took a seat beside Jasper who was telling some sort of story about who knew what. I wasn't about to ask questions about the matter.

I made my way inside the tree house before quickly wishing up something comfortable to wear, and soon my dress was replaced with my long sleeve pink shirt and grey leggings. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. I felt so much more comfortable. I decided to look around the tree house a bit sense I never really had before. 

There were many trinkets of sorts, but nothing really valuable that I would of thought came from Peter Pan. If anything they were just silly trophies of things. However I continued looking around not really knowing what I was looking for, but I was bored, and need of a small but tamed adventure. As I was crossing the threshold to the other side of the tree house the floor boards creaked under my feet. I couldn't help but jump in surprise of hearing the creaking floor boards. Mostly because the tree house was in such tip top shape there was no way there could be any loose boards. Which only made my curiouser on the subject.

I sat on the ground before placing my hand in different areas of the floor to try and find a weak spot when I felt a small almost not noticeable latch on one of the many floor boards. I looked around quickly making sure nobody was around before I pulled it before hearing something swing open. I looked up to see in fact this time a board in the wall had opened. I then walked over to the little compartment before opening it a little more. I looked inside which was very dark. At first I thought nothing was in there, but as I began to close the little door I saw something shine in the far back. I reopened the door before reaching my whole arm inside the little room latching onto something before pulling it out. Once I got it out I turned it over in my hands noticing it was a book of sorts. I turned over the book to look at the spine, and what I saw next made me gasp in surprise. On the spine in beautiful cursive letter spelled out Pan. Peter Pan. This was Peter Pans story.

A part of me told me to put it back and never think about it again, but another part. The rebellious part that needed to know all the answers was dying to open it up and read what this book had to say about Peter Pan, and what I was getting myself into. I was really dying to know. So again I looked around once more to make sure nobody had somehow appeared without me noticing. 

"Forgive me Peter." I said out loud before I opened up the book and began to read.

AU- so if you remember correctly when Elena found the book on Pan there had been some pages missing which she had noticed when she first got to Neverland. She kept the book however in her bag which she left in her tent when she got to camp and before she was taken on her little journey to see the natives and pixies. So if your confused here it is. When Elena was gone Peter had been kind of going out of his mind, and had stumbled back upon the book knowing perfectly well she had it in the first place. I mean he was the one who took the missing pages. So he took back the book while she was gone, and put the book back together however he never planned on letting Elena see it. Because this is his past remember the past he never wanted to repeat itself. The past that had to deal with her. So there you go, and fare waring its about to get really good. Oh also sorry for the short chapter but the next one is really really long.

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