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Hey everybody I know I haven't updated in quite sometime and I'm really sorry about that but I've been extremely busy lately and a part of me is scared to end this story. However the good new is I have some new works on the way I'm very excited to share with you all and possibly a second book for this story. Though just in case that takes a drastic amount of time I'm creating to alternate endings. One that end here and another that will continue on to a second book. Because just a warning but the ending I have in my for a second book is extremely sad. So just a fair warning there. Anyway I'll hopefully update some chapter tonight or tomorrow, depending on where you are in the world. Also I would really appreciate it if someone would make me a new book cover for this book. PLEASE!!!!! Please comment if you'd like a second book or some new stories please so I know you guys are still out there!!!!!

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