Hidden Memories

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Elena POV:


I didn't know where I was or how I had exactly got there, but somehow I had. I was walking on a beach that I knew I had never been on before though it felt so familiar. Like somehow I had stepped onto the deep sand, and felt the clear icy water wash upon my bare feet before. Though I couldn't remember ever coming to a place like this. I had lived in Storybrook my whole life, and had never left unless mom had sent me away to Wonderland to stay with my Grandfather. But neither of those places was where I  was at, this place it had a completely different vibe to it. To my right was a stretch of clear ocean as far as I could see, and to my left a tree filled forest. It all felt so familiar, but it also didn't feel right. It felt dark, like even though the sun was out shining brightly, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It felt like a darkness was settling over the land, and it was consuming any hope in held within it. It made a shiver run down my spine with its darkness already doing damage to myself. It was just so cold, and dark in it's own weird way, and it scared me, and all I wanted to do was run. Run away from this nightmare that had taken over my mind. Run from the nightmare that was suffocating me with it's darkness. Though I felt like something was keeping me there. Something dark and demeaning, something that could even scare my family of heroes.

As I walked along the shore I again felt the feeling of being watched once again, but just like the road no human soul was there. "Elena." An erie voice called as I stopped walking looking around lost as to where the voice was coming from. "Elena!" It yelled louder then before, and it scared me more then anything ever had before. I then saw something fly from the sky, and as it tried to grab me I ran into the dense forest. Though I had know clue where I was going my feet had a mind of there own and just drove me further. I didn't know exactly what I was running from, but I knew it wasn't anything good, but it also felt like I had been in this situation before. If only I could remember what had happened the first time, and how to get away from this thing. As I looked back to see if the thing was still fallowing me I couldn't help but let out a little laugh as I saw it was no where in sight. Though when I turned forward  there it was again, it's glowing eyes peering right into my soul as I screamed falling to the ground. It again tried grabbing me, but this time succeeding and flying up into the sky with me in it's arms. I knew whatever this thing wanted with me it wasn't going to be anything good. So I had to try, try to come up with a plan to escape it. I started squirming in it's arms which only seemed to annoy it farther as it tightened it's grasp around my waist. I honestly had know clue what would be my best option here, as for if I fell there was a possibility of death, but if this thing whatever it was won then who knows what could happen to me. There was worse things then death, and my family had taught me that. I knew it wasn't human, but it reminded me of something somewhat human. So I bent my neck down so my mouth was close to it's arm, and bit down on it as hard as I could. As a black liquid filled my mouth making me cough, and spit it up breathing heavily. The creature let out a weird like screech, and dropped me as I screamed falling to the ground bellow me. I could only hope this wouldn't be it for me, but as I looked bellow me at the ground that I was reaching faster and faster. I realized I wasn't going to hit the ground, but the ocean of clear blue water. I braced myself as I collided with the freezing water, and held my breath. I resurfaced moments later breathing once again quite heavily, and making my way back to shore frozen to the bone. I flopped on to my back still breathing heavily as someone applauded from behind me. I turned around to face them, but my eyesight was to fuzzy to make out much of there profile. I could tell that it was a boy from the way he held himself, and he seemed to be a bit taller then me. But besides that it was all just a big blur.

"Bravo Elena. I would have never thought you would be able to escape my shadow. But you did, and this time without your little heroic family of yours. I'm actually quite impressed with you." He said with a british accent which I knew I recognized, but I again didn't know how. None of this was making any sense what so ever.

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