Target Practice

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Elena POV:

I was shaken awake the next time I woke up not sure of where I was or what time it really was. It was dark out and the stars still shined in the sky so I couldn't tell if it was early morning or late night, but either way I didn't feel like getting up. Especially with the pain going through my back with my terrible sleeping condition that I was given thanks to this small cage. The cage was then again shaken as I came face to face with the darkest eyes I'd ever seen. I remembered the boy with the dark eyes from my first night on Neverland and again when he dragged me here. Well wherever here was. "It's time to wake up sleeping beauty dinner's here." He said smirking darkly which remained me of Pan's smirk. I couldn't help but wonder if all the boys smirked in such a manner. Had the island changed them all like it did Peter, and even myself I could feel it changing little by little.

"Wow so Pan actually does feed his prisoners, I wouldn't have guessed that." I said as the boy rolled his eyes. "Would there be any chance I could get out of this bird cage and stretch a bit?" I asked him as he debated it in his mind before turning to me with a strict look on his face.

"Do you promise not to run off if I let you out?" He asked me as his eyes seemed to darken.

"Yes I promise." I said as he started to unlock the cage door. There was a great chance of escape right then and there, and I knew it but I wouldn't run away from him at least not yet. I wanted to learn more about these Lost Boys and why they fallowed Peter Pan as well as they did. I needed answers, and I planned to get them. I soon climbed out of the cage happily stretching out my limbs that were crying in pain but it felt good. "Thank you." I smiled to him kindly as he looked shocked that I showed any passion or kindness toward him at all. "So what's your name or am I going to have to call you boy?" I asked as he let out a very small smile one that you could barely see but it reached his eyes enough to lighten them some.

"Jasper." He said looking at me with brightened eyes that really showed how beautiful he really was. I smiled at him as a sorta thanks in return, while stretching some more.

"I like that name it's different and unique you don't really hear about many Jaspers." I said to him as he nodded like he knew that already, but who knows how long his been on Neverland away from the outside world. It was actually really sad, but who knows maybe he was like Peter in the story he felt lost and unloved and this was better then the first life he got dealt.

"So what's your name then?" He asked curiously which surprised me. I had just assumed Pan had told everyone who I was, but I guess not. That or maybe he was trying to get close to me so he could hurt me and break me. I didn't know which but for some reason I didn't want to hide it from Jasper or any of the Lost Boys really. They did nothing wrong. They had nobody else besides Pan they didn't know there was another way.

"Didn't Peter tell you?" I asked him confused just wanting to ask though I still not get the truthful answer, but Emma had taught me how to catch a lie so I hoped I could catch his.

"I may be Pan's second command but he keeps some things completely to himself, like you for instance. All I knew was a girl was coming, and then what the orders were if we spotted her." Jasper said which all came back as being true.

"Elena, Elena Mills." I said smiling at him giving him my hand to shake as he took it with his and shook it smiling.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Elena Mills, I'm Jasper." He said smiling a true elegant smile that I couldn't help but blush at. He looked dark and wild like most of the other Lost Boys, but once he smiled he was truly beautiful. He was just happy looking teenage boy that most girls back home would have fallen over for. Maybe even Hera.

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