We Meet Again

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Elena POV:

It had become late afternoon by the time I had finished making my weapons, thanks to Grandpa Charming and Grandma Snow who taught me how to make weapons in the easiest way possible, but that can still be just as dangerous as a handcrafted sword. Though I was lucky enough that who ever lived here last had left some of there own weapons which were five small daggers that you could slide into your belt, and even a sword. But you can never be to careful with the darkness especially in a land you don't understand, so I made my own bow along with three dozen arrows. Now I was not good at using at any of these weapons besides maybe the daggers. Though only because my family had thought I should know how to use some kind of weapon skillfully, and was for some reason good at close contact fighting, but they were better then nothing at all. I decided it was time to leave the safety of the cave so I stuffed two daggers in each of my boots leaving the fifth one in my belt along with my sword, and canteen for water. My arrows were safely tucked inside my quiver that was slung around my shoulders while I held the bow that contained one arrow in my hand just incase Peter and his Lost Boys decided to pay me a visit.

Finally I left the safety of the cave and ventured off into Neverland not daring to look back because I knew if I did I would run back, and soon enough I would become weak from not having any food or water. There was no way I was going to die like that, or even die on this island, I couldn't. In the back of the book about Pan it talked about the island and what it's dangers were besides the Lost Boys and Peter, and I think I had studied the pages enough to know what to steer clear from, and what to look for. I soon came to a small creek that had berries on either side of it with thorns and vines surrounding the berries. I knew that the thorns contained a deadly poison called DreamShade, and I had to stay away from them, but the berries they held were just fine to eat. I decided my first action to take was to get some water, I pulled out my canteen and filled it up taking greedy drinks right after then filling it right back up. I was already starting to feel better, and maybe even a little stronger. I then walked through the creek to the berries with the deadly poison surrounding them. I held my breath as I started to pick the closest one that were far from the thorns that could kill me, and soon had a whole hand full. I quickly backed away not wanting to get slightly pricked knowing it would have deadly consequences in the end. I smiled to myself at how well I was doing just surviving this long, which was quite impressive with Peters boys running around. I knew these berries weren't going to suffice after a day. I knew I would have to hunt, but I wasn't quite ready to venture of to far into the jungle and ruin my good luck just yet. For now I just needed to survive on what was close by. Though I knew it wasn't going to be long no matter what I did until Peter would find me, and then who knows what would happen after that. I turned and sat at the edge of the creek silently eating the berries and drinking the water my back leaning against a huge rock. Thats when I heard the snap of twigs breaking near by which soon became hollers and whoops. I held my breath knowing one small twitch I could be a goner.

"Come on out dearie we know your out here. You can't hide from us forever, and truthfully we're all getting a bit tired of looking for you, and the boys and I are dying to play a new game." Called who I assumed to be Peter. It could go two complete different direction if I just stood and gave up to them or trying to fight my way out, but I was never one for giving up. Peter liked to win his games, but the thing is so did I, and back in StoryBrooke I was pretty good at winning. I could only hope that luck would stay with me here, and now. I let out a sigh tightening my grip on my bow before I stood up to face the famous Peter Pan. He was just as the book had drew him. He was tall, with shaggy brown hair that had a few blonde streaks in it, he wore mostly brown and green, and most importantly he had the same shining green eyes you couldn't help but get lost in. Yes he looked just like some teenage boy, but he wasn't he was a monster that had haunted my dreams and had turned my whole world upside down from the age of seven. My whole life could have been different if it hadn't been for him getting in the way.

"So you found me, took you long enough." I sassed him as his shined with anticipation for who knows what, I truly didn't want to find out.

"Indeed I did, but honestly how long did you think you could hide from me?" He smirked at me as I let out a small laugh trying to play his own game the best I could. If I played his game his way then maybe I had a chance of getting out of here, and back to the safety of the cave.

"I wasn't hiding, I was surviving." As the last word left my lips I readied my bow and let the arrows fly one by one as I believed for each and everyone to hit it's target, which it did everytime. Not only leaving me surprised but the boys around me and Peter himself as well. Like I had said before I had no magic like the rest of my family, or at least not anymore. I was also terrible at wielding a sword or even pointing a bow correctly, but here in Neverland all you had to do was believe, and if my family taught me anything it was always believe. So it didn't seem to hard anymore especially to just have the magic around you do most of the work. Soon it was just me and Peter left standing my last arrow pointed right for his heart if he made any sudden moves.

"I do have to say I'm impressed I didn't think you had it in you El, at least not from the last time I saw you, and you family had to hide you from me. You were so innocent, and kind, not one piece of darkness cowering around you, well at least until I came along." He chuckled while an evil smirk appeared on his flawless face.

"I was a little girl back then I've grown up, hidden by a life of lies thanks to you. I'm not so innocent anymore those kinds of things change just being on this island changes you. You should know better then anyone." I spat out at him as his smirk left his face as anger flared into his eyes.

"I presume you read the book then. All about the sad little boy who became a monster! About the boy who could never be wanted or even loved, the poor little Lost Boy!" He yelled at me moving closer as I raised my bow which only made him laugh. "What are you going to do shoot me? You don't have it in you Elena, I know you, I've known you sense you were only a infant because even then I was worming my way into that pretty little head of yours." He sneered as a single tear ran down my face as I let the arrow fly and right before the tip of the arrow punctured his skin Peter grabbed it in one swift move. I watched in horror as he turned to me laughing. "Such a naive girl. This is my island! My game, my rules, and I ALWAYS win!"

"You didn't win the night you sent the Shadow for me the first time, did you?" I mocked as he just smirked at me in return.

"Did you ever think that maybe all this is happening because I want it to. I'm always ten steps ahead of you when your just figuring out step one. What your heroic family did is what I wanted them to do, everything thats happened I've wanted it to. Like I said I always win just like now." He smiled as I heard more hollering coming from behind me, and out came more Lost Boys including the one I saw last night with the dark eyes. It all made sense he kept quiet because Peter wanted him to, this had been the plane the whole time, and I had stepped right into there trap.

"You cheated!" I screamed at him as the boy with the dark eyes grabbed my wrists and held me back from Peter.

"You fell for it love, not my fault. Just like your father did all those years ago, but then of course your precious heroic family had to come save him. I underestimated them, but I won't again. Nobody is coming to save you Elena. You are all by yourself here, just like the rest of us." He whispered in my ear as I shuddered being this close to him.

"Go to hell!" I spat at him as he chuckled at once again.

"Where do you think we are love?" he said extending his arms around Neverland suffocating us all with the darkness within him surrounding the island and the ones on it. "Lock her in the cage." He told the dark eyes boy as he dragged me away kicking and screaming.

"You won't get away with this Pan. Good always wins, my family will find me we always find each other. You'll lose Pan I promise you that! I promise!" I screamed at him while I was dragged further and further into the forest until soon I just couldn't fight it anymore and soon fell asleep with the darkness already changing me.

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