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Once upon a time, before there was ever a villain as malicious as Pan, there had always been Peter.

A boy abandoned at the age of seven by both his parents who couldn't afford the care and love it took to raise a child. He was left on the streets of a small town in the Enchanted Forest with nothing but his Pan flute that hung around his neck. To survive he had become the young thief as the town people called him, and stole anything that he could get his hands on knowing it was thievery or death by hunger. But that all began to change when he turned eleven, and ran into a group of young boys much like himself. He became the leader of these Lost Boys, and they also became a sorta family. They cared for one another, and always tried to brighten even the darkest days for each other because thats just what family did. Peter had found his sort of family, and it may have not had a mother and father, but he didn't need it. All he needed were his brothers. In complete honesty Peter didn't think he could have been any happier after finding his brothers or Lost Boys, but that was until he turned sixteen. That year had been the hardest for all the boys, a new Queen had started her rule in the Kingdom, and been hot on the boys trail to stop their thievery of their own survival off the streets.

One day Peter had been running from a soldier after trying to steal a loaf of bread from the bakery for the boys and himself, but had to instead make a run for it. Running through the alleys of the small town that seemed to only be getting bigger someone pulled him into a doorway covering there hand over his mouth until the soldier was gone. "All this for a loaf of bread?" Scuffed the voice who soon walked into the light for Peter to see.

As soon as he saw them he let out a little gasp. There stood a girl about the same age as himself a flowing dress surrounding her. Right away he could tell she was one of the daughters from a rich family nearby, and right away didn't trust her or like her much for that matter. In all honestly he already held hatred for the girl. She judged him for his stealing when she would never understand what life was like on the streets for him and his brothers, and had probably never went a single day without food. She'd probably been given everything she wanted on a sliver platter, and he hated her for that.

"You no nothing, you have no idea what this small loaf of bread could do for me and my brothers." He seethed toward her glaring while she huffed in annoyance.

"Well I did just save you from that soldier didn't I? So I must no a thing or two, shouldn't I?" She asked him putting her hands on her hips giving her own attitude back to him, and he did give her points for bravery. Because if they would have been caught it wouldn't have been just him who would have gotten in trouble. Either she was really brave or very stupid he wasn't quite sure.

"What is your name boy?" She asked stepping closer to him as he stepped back while his hand went to his dagger as a reflex. "Are you any good with a dagger?" She asked while stepping closer, but Peter just back stepped her looking around for a way to get out of here. He was just about to run away from her when she grabbed his own dagger slamming him into a nearby brick building and held the dagger at his throat. "You know it's not very nice to run away from somebody after they just asked you a question plus saved your life not to long ago. If it wasn't for me Queen Cora would have your head by now." She sneered at him for being so ungrateful as he looked at her complete baffled at what she had just successfully pulled off.

"How did you do that?" Peter asked amazed by her skills while she just rolled her eyes in return to his question.

"I believe I asked you a question first there boy." She pointed out stepping away from him so he would have room to answer her questions.

"My name is Peter, I'm decent with a dagger I suppose, but apparently nowhere nearly as good as you Princess." He growled at her rolling his own eyes while she looked him up and down trying to see if Peter could be trusted or not. "What's your name then?" He asked her as she met his eyes with her sparkling hazel one's.

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