Please Read

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Hey guys I've been seeing more votes and comment lately and it's only been a day, and I'm so happy and really want to see more. Cause you guys who are voting and commenting are the reason I write. But I also want to see those twenty questions so please please please help me out there. If I get those then you'll be getting a sneak peak into Peter Pans past. I'll be updating again on Wednesday but probably with three chapters so please get me those Twenty questions by then. I'll have the list with characters below, but I have one more thing to ask of you all. I've been working on a new story, and I would like to hear what you all think about reading my new story. Please answer this honestly. Alright keep up the good work and please help with the Twenty Question. Thanks keep voting and commenting, Love you bye!!!!

Elena Mills:

Peter Pan:









Grace Mills: (Elena's mom)

Henry Mills: (Elena's dad)

Neal: (Elena's 'Cousin')

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