Hidden Pirate Ship

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Elena POV:

As the other tribe members started dispersing Lamara ushered me into another room where Kekata, Kocoum, and Lily were all waiting for us. I looked around the room to see a small fire in the middle of the room smoking rising to the top escaping into the world above. On the other side of the small flames were to chairs which now held Kekata along with Lamara. While Kocoum and Lily stood to the side patiently. "What's up?" I asked a bit concerned with this whole meeting.

"We are very thankful that you were able to remember all your past memories. Yet we're still very curious on how we could even give them back to you, sense last we knew your dreams were protected from Pan, and his shadow. Though here you are so Elena how did you end up back in Neverland?" Kekata asked me as I looked into the flames trying to come up with a way to tell them.

How could I tell them that it wasn't my choice to come here, and I actually didn't want to be. That I was taken from my family, and all I wanted to do was go home, and never think of this place again. I couldn't that was the thing. Now having my memories back I knew the people in this room especially along with the rest of the tribe were my family. Even some of the Lost Boys had become my family in some way. I couldn't just leave them forever, but that didn't stop a part of me from wanting to, and that was the part I liked to tell myself that Pan poisoned. Though deep down I couldn't blame Pan for everything that went wrong because I knew better. I looked up meeting each set of eyes before taking a deep breath. "You might want to sit down it's a long story."


Peter Pan POV:

They took her right from under our noses. More importantly right from under mine. Who knew what they could be putting into her head, and what she could be believing. This could ruin everything! I had just got her in the palm of my hand, and then those Red Skins had to come a destroy everything I had built up. She was going to help me while I planned how to take down her family, and crush her heart without her even knowing. Now all those plans could have just been washed down the drain, and the worst part was I wouldn't know until it was to late.

There was a part of me that only cared that they had taken Elena, and all of my plans could be destroyed now because of it. That part telling me that was the only reason I cared at all she was gone. Though I knew that was a lie. I had watched over her sense the day she was born when I had found out there was a new hero in their mist. I had seen her take her first words, and take her first steps even if nobody would ever know that. I was the one who sent her the dreams of Neverland when she told me I was one of her best friends when she had been but six years old. I couldn't deny I cared about her, and even when I gave her the nightmare the thoughts of her never wavered.

Maybe that was because when I first saw her I thought she was someone from a different life. That I was going to get a second chance with my first love, but once getting to know her I knew that wasn't the case. She was nothing like my first love from so many years ago. She loved, and believed more then 'she' ever did. Elena believed in people, and no matter what she would always try to find to the best in people, even if there was none. The problem she seemed so stuck on coming to me.

She thought she could save me from myself, but all she was doing was digging herself deeper into Neverland's grasp, and like the king of Neverland it didn't let go so easily. Even now as I passed the forest floor my powers stretched over the island searching for the one and only Elena. Every crevice my powers searched without having to even look myself, but as the power came back to me there nothing. I couldn't help but let out a gasp making Drew and Jasper look over to me as they talked quietly trying to think of a plan to find El. I just couldn't comprehend it. My powers stretched through out of all Neverland yet there was no scratch of Elena anywhere on my island. It was like she disappeared. Those filthy Red Skins had taken her, and now something was keeping me away from finding her with magic. "Boys!" I yelled as my Lost Boys came scurrying to me waiting for orders from their leader. "The Red Skins have taken Elena from us, hoping to use her as leverage to take us down, but we won't let them succeed will we?!" I yelled to them as they shouted back answers signing they would stand with me and make sure the pesky Indians didn't go through with their plan. "Then brothers like all things in Neverland let's make this a game shall we? Whoever brings back Elena safe and sound wins a wish from me for whatever their heart desires, but if I find her you are all training for the next week no breaks." I said putting a wager on it making many of the boys smile with glee hoping to be the one to find El. I could only hope one of us would. "Now go, and don't come back unless you have her!" I yelled as they all scurried away some in small groups others pulling out a dagger before heading into the forest alone. Jasper gave me a nod in return before dissapreaing himself. I looked around as I watched Drew do the same followed by his younger brother and a few of his friends. Leaving me alone.

I looked up at the night sky as all three moons shone brightly in the sky, but not as brightly as the second star to the right. Which held a pirate ship behind it doing everything in it's power to enter Neverland to save a lost family member. If only Elena knew her family was closure then she truly thought, but if she knew I was keeping them from her she would never forgive me, and I couldn't loose her again. I was never letting her go again.

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