Lost Boys

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Elena POV:

I sat there laying I'm my little bed as the sun rose into the sky, as I thought of the Lost Boys back at Pan's camp. I had planned out so much late last night about how to take down Pan and get of this bloody island, but all those plans seemed to leave my mind as I thought back to the boys. They didn't need this life. The life with Pan always behind their back ready to strike them if they messed up for the silliest of things. They had no one really to protect them from such a monster as Peter Pan. I could have helped them, but instead I ran away from the fight I knew I should be leading. I sighed to myself thinking how foolish I was about to become as I got up and readied my things. I left the food, my sword, three daggers two still hidden in my boots, and the container of DreamShade all incase I had to come back, but to fight next time. I wanted to be prepared either way. I then turned to the book in my bag a war going on with itself inside my head to bring it or not. There was some good information in there but Pan could take it away, and I could never get it back if I brought it. It was already missing some pages, I didn't need more questions. I decided to leave it here, and if I did need it I could always come back. If I was able to come back that is. I shook my head trying to dismiss all the thoughts running around in my head along with more questions forming, and headed off back to the camp. Quite surprised with myself that I actually new where I was going for once, but I seemed to be getting better at that as time passed here on Neverland.

Time seemed to work much differently here then back home in StoryBrook. I couldn't help but wonder what everyone was doing back home. Were they actually trying to find a way to get me back, or were they celebrating that I was finally gone, out of there lives forever? I didn't know which one I hoped for. Truthfully I was still mad at them for taking away part of who I was, but I couldn't deny that I missed them and wanted to go home. I wanted to see Tristan and have our day to ourselves. I wanted to see Belle and have her help me find a new book for real this time. Jefferson so he could show me new and mad places in Wonderland. Ruby so we could just go on a long drive to no where, and just talk about nothing. Robin and Snow so they could teach me how to shot better. Regina and Rumple so maybe they could help me get my own powers back, and train me. Charming so he could show me how to really wield a sword correctly. Emma and Hook so we could go on the Jolly Rodger for a day and forget all about the world around us. My parents so I could actually have a family, and feel loved and not so lonely. I wanted them all. I needed them all.

As I began to near the camp the sun was high in the sky and was now probably ten o'clock in the morning, again if time was the same. I took a deep breath, and walked forward into camp, my bow in my hand and my new arrows strapped to my back. Boys were running around camp all talking and playing with each other. Here they really looked happy, not a care in the world, but then again somebody wasn't here to darken the mood. At least not yet. That's when a young boy with curly locks came running up to me as he hugged me tightly. I soon recognized him as Seth and crouched down to his size smiling down at him as he giggled up to me. "Hey giggly how are you?" I asked as he nodded smiling while grabbing my hand and walking me over to some other boy's that looked about his age maybe a bit older. He soon started to introduce me to his little friends while I tried to memorize their names. There was Colin who had midnight hair and green eyes, who also loved to draw on anything he could get his hands on. Like at the moment a stick in the mud. Then there was Joey who had light brown curly hair along with light blue eyes. He was much quieter then the rest of the boys and seemed to keep to himself, but I understood where he was coming from. The lastly there was Nat who was a rumbustious little boy who never seemed to keep still for even a moment. He had mop of messy red hair and brown eyes that were always full of curiosity. After Seth had told me a bit about the other boys he told me they were going to go play a game, and I should go try to find Jasper. So my search began to find the dark eyed boy, which didn't take long because he was at the edge of the camp already watching me. "You didn't want to come say hi?" I asked elbowing him in the arm playfully as he chuckled.

"I figured you'd find me eventually." He sighed watching his brothers. "So we woke up this morning, and Pan went to go check on you, and guess what?" He asked as I tried to hide my smile and play dumb but it was impossible.

"What?" I asked turning to him keeping a fake excited look on my face.

"You were gone, and well let's just say Pan wasn't to happy about that, and stormed out of camp to go find you and drag you back here." He said giving me a brotherly strict look. I let out a sigh of annoyance rolling my eyes in the process.

"I had to go get something." I said some what lying.

"Oh and what was that exactly?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest give my the look that already told me he didn't believe me and to prove him wrong.

"Now why on earth would I tell you while you would just go tell Pan?" I said while giving him my own look which just made him roll his eyes at me.

"Fine don't tell me, but you do know your going to be in a lot of trouble when Pan gets back right?" He asked as we waked around the camp which I noticed was a lot bigger then I had first thought before. Though every time I had seen it, it had been dark out so that could explain it. Tents were scattered around the camp and on two sides of the camp were two large tents compared to the others one. Then in the middle of the camp was a huge area for campfires, and smaller ones littered other areas of the camp. As I looked further around I also noticed a large tree at the north side of camp that had a tree house nestled into its branches.

"What's with the tree house?" I asked pointing to the tree to the north, ignoring Jasper's question about Pan being mad with me I could care less truly.

"That's Pan's private area I guess. Nobody is allowed in there, and I would suppose it is where he sleeps, and does who knows what. His always up there if he's not down here with the rest of the boys, I mean it makes sense that he has the best room he is our leader." He said shrugging his shoulders not really thinking much about it though I'm sure Pan makes sure his boy's don't second guess him, he seems like he would get annoyed easy.

"So when do you think the mighty Peter Pan will be back?" I asked leaning closer to him hiding my smirk while we continued to walk around camp.

"Soon most likely, it won't take long for him to figure out your back here again." He said sighing knowing something bad could happen with his leader coming back.

"Actually his back now." Said a voice behind us as I turned around to come face to face with clear emerald eyes. Peter Pan stood behind us leaning against a nearby tree smirking at us keeping his eyes pinned onto me like at any moment I would run off again. But I was done running, from him, from everyone, and life itself. "Now if you'd excuses me and Elena, Jasper we have things to discuss." With that a green smoke appeared around me and Pan and when I opened my eyes again we stood on a grassy area over looking the ocean. As I looked closer I recognized our surroundings from dreams of my past. We were on a cliff Peter used to bring me to as a child in my dreams. He hadn't always been horrid like he is now at some points he could actually be quite kind, if he wanted to be that is."Well Elena I must once again admit I'm impressed you've managed to escape me once again, and your even starting to catch up to my own game little by little." Pan sneered in my face while I just smiled back at him knowing I was already ten steps ahead of him.

"I'm not only catching up Pan I'm going to win your little game." I said smiling with all the courage I had in me I could only hope it would be enough.

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