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Peter Pan POV

I couldn't believe this! She was gone again, and this time I didn't have the slightest idea of where she could be. Before I knew the Red Skins were what brought up her disappearance, but this time I had no clues, not hints, no anything leading me to where she could be. Or if she was in danger or not. I hated to admit it, but for the first time I Peter Pan was scared, and out of his wits. This had only happened once before with Clare, and I had promised myself I wouldn't allow for it to happen again. Yet, here I was once again in the same spot as before. Lost and unsure of what my next move was going to be all because of one little girl. One little girl who had opened my heart to new possibilities. Possibilities like love, something I'd sworn never to think about again, and again because of the same girl, I was. 

"Pan, there is no signs of her around camp nor in your part of Neverland. Do you think she could have went to the Outer or Wild Rings?" Asked Jasper as him and Drew came running up. They were just a few of the the Lost Boys in camp. The rest were still searching for Elena thanks to my orders to not come back until you find her, but some of the younger Lost Boys like Seth, Drew's brother were getting extremely tired.

"Or could have the Red Skins taken her again?" Drew asked curiously as his eye traveled the forest floor looking for any signs of a struggle anywhere. He was the best tracker after all, and if there was just a leaf looking suspicious he would know.

"There's no way she went to the Outer Ring she hasn't been there sense the first day she got here. She wouldn't even know where it was if she trying to find it. The Wild Ring on the other hand looks a lot like this Ring so she may have not even known she wondered off so far. Plus we would have seen if the Red Skins had come. They travel as a unit, and one of would have seen them." I explained as I rubbed my face thinking of possibility after possibility of what could have happened to my Elena. "Search the Wild Ring and if you find any evidence of where she could be let me know immediately, Understood? Good, now go I'll stay here and look around incase she comes back." I told the boy as they nodded and ran off the others falling swiftly after them. I looked up at the sky looking for the ship hidden behind the stars, but I couldn't see it. That only made my anxiety to find Elena even greater. I searched the island with my powers, but came up empty. Something was wrong, something was messing with my powers and it only added to the list of things I need to figure out. I had to find her, and quickly. "Elena where are you?" 

Elena POV:

I ran quickly. Running from the Lost Boys who I knew were looking for my by now, and they could be very persistent when they wanted to be so this was no time for pit stops. I had just left Gemini at Mermaid Lagoon hoping she could convince her people in working with the Red Skins and Pixies in defeating the darkness. I was just beginning to understand there were many lives at stake if we didn't succeed in taking down the darkness. Because from the smallest ant to the mighty eagle was in danger with the darkness free and roaming, and they all needed to be protected and saved by it. There was no going back now, there was to much on the line. This had to be taken care of, but there was just one more thing I had to do before meeting up with the Red Skins and Pixies. I only hoped I could remember the way to get there.

I continued running until I got to large tree that held a cage tied to it. I looked around once again making sure I was alone before making my way to the cage silently. I couldn't help but let my thought tighten up at the thought of speaking to him again. It had been so long, and the last time I had I didn't even know who it was. I could tell I'd let him down extremely, and I couldn't bare the thought of doing it again.

"Tristan? Tristan it's me Elena." I spoke softly kneeling down to the bird cages height.

"Elena?" Tristan asked making me smile as tears rolled down my face freely. He reached his hand outside the cage cupping my face in his hands while his thumb came up and wiped the tears away. "I can't believe it's really you. When you stumbled here before and you couldn't remember I thought that was it, and that we'd come here for nothing, but here you are memories intact. God you can't even imagine how happy I am to see you." Tristan said smiling happily up at me as I smiled back at him.

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