Queen Clarion

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Elena POV:

After me and Loki's break through we went quickly to tell the Queen and the rest of the Pixies of the plan. They like me and Loki took a bit of convincing, but with the help of Jack they were ready to help, and stand with us when the time came to help defeat the darkness. I couldn't have been more thrilled about the new alliance, and could only hope they stuck to their word when the time came, but something told me they would. As Pixies began leaving the conference room where we had just held the meeting to tell the Queen and the most important Pixie leader the Queen called me over to her.

"Yes your majesty?" I asked giving a small curtsy while she only chuckled waving her hand.

"Please Elena there is not need for formalities. I would like it very much if you just called me Clarion." She said smiling at me while I nodded happily as she asked me to take a seat which I happily did. "Now Elena I presume you know a thing or two about Pixies?" She asked me as I looked down ashamed.

"Well in all truth I know of Pixies, I don't exactly know a lot about them, and beg your pardon Clarion some of the things I've heard weren't the most appealing. Though my family knew a Pixie named Tinker Bell long ago, and they were friends, and from my time here in your kingdom I haven't found much truth from what I've heard." I said speaking slowly and in truth while she nodded her head along in understanding.

"Well you could have fooled me with how you spoke. In all honesty you remind me very much of a Pixie down to the way you hold yourself." She said smiling happily at me while I let out a small giggle.

"Why thank you, or at least I think." I said as we both laughed.

"Yes, yes I did mean that as a compliment. Anyway do you know the reason your friend Loki is now a Pixie instead of a Red Skin?" She asked me as I gulped afraid of where this could be leading.

"Yes his family told me before I came here. He traded his arrows in for wings, and so with the help of the Pixies his family could be protected from the darkness and Peter." I said sorrowfully looking down at the golden polished floor under us.

"Yes thats exactly right. You see us Pixies have no problem helping those in need or distress. The only thing we ask is for something in return, and it's not everyday that we get visitors not with the Shadows Ring surrounding us. So when someone get through it's no surpriser in what we want. We need more Pixies like you and Loki. Pixies who are brave and will do whatever it takes to protect those they love. Pixies like you Elena." She said smiling down at me while I looked around breathlessly. She wanted me to become some kind of Pixie just for there help. Which wasn't just for me, or the natives, or the Lost Boys. It was for every single person that was here on Neverland. It was for the good of the island, and she was saying that the only way they would help is if I became a stinking Pixie.

"Clarion the reason I'm doing half of this is for the good of those on the island, and so I can get home. I have a family and friends back in Storybrooke I can't just leave them!" I told her angrily as I quickly got out of the chair which had fallen on to the ground during my little outburst. I mean how could she even think such a thing. The whole reason I was doing any of this was to get home, and she wanted me to just stop. There was no point if I wasn't doing so to get home. Home to Storybook, home to my parents, Tristan, Neal, even Hera. Home to my family.

"I know you want to go home Elena, but do you really think after all this is over, and if Peter overcomes this darkness, and thats if he does. That he'll just let you leave. I mean think about this. I'm offering you me and my peoples help in defeating the darkness, and later on protection from Peter." She said standing up her golden dress flowing behind her as she looking me in the eyes a smile on her face, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Peter would never hurt me your Majesty." I snarled as I walked away from her and toward the window looking out at the world outside this stuffy conference room.

"I see that you need some time to think all this through so I'll give you twenty four hours to think through my proposal. Either way this is cause of celebration it's not everyday that a new alliance is made and there is hope on the horizon. So tonight a party will be hosted in your honor and the island, and the hope and fight you've brought in all our hearts to fight this darkness when the time comes." She said a smile still plastered on my face while she rang a small little bell as three other Pixies came in. They all smiled at the Clarion while giving her a small curtsy before looking over at me with smiles on their faces.

"Elena meet my ladies maids Lacy, Rose, and Thalia they'll help you get ready for the party and show you to your room." Clarion said pointing to each of the Pixies when she said their names. Lacy and Thalia began walking out of the room while Rose smiled to me and motioning me to fallow them which I soon did a bit unsure. Lacy and Thalia were turning a corner up ahead and Rose was a bit ahead of me, and just as I was about to follow along and catch up with her after exciting the conference room somebody grabbed my wrist. I gasped turning around to meet crystal blue eyes and a cheeky smile.

"Jack you gave me a heart attack!" I yelled punching him lightly on the arm as he chuckled. "It's not funny I could have died." I said sternly folding my arms across my chest just making him chuckle more while I just huffed.

"Hey I would never let you die. We're in this together, and your not getting rid of me that easily." He said looking deep in the eyes as I looked into his.

"You promise." I asked a bit worriedly. I had been fooled enough by Peter, and my family I couldn't have Jack doing the same. Because if he did I think I really would break down.

"I promise." He said before kissing my cheek and beginning to walk away before turning around once again. "Oh and by the way that party that Queen Clarion told you about don't let her fool you it's not party it's a ball." He said while a cheeky smile fell upon his face before he disappeared leaving me looking after him a goofy smile on my face. Jack Frost had just kissed my cheek.

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