Shadows? Shadows.

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Elena POV:

All around me darkness hovered along the forest floor like a blanket suffocating the land around it, and dragging me with it. It reminded me in some ways of back home at the Library on the hottest summer days where everything was so sticky and stuffy. Suffocating in many ways. Though this wasn't a Library nor was this place in Storybrooke it gave me some peace of mind in some ways. It was better then just seeing it as a place I could take my last breaths of life. Yes, I definitely preferred the before example instead.

I stood there for a moment letting my eyes adjust to the darkness around me before I started walking carefully forward. As I walked I kept my eyes glued to the landscape around me just incase one of the many shadows that lived here decided to make an appearance. As I walked on I heard the screams and cries of the broken and destroyed shadows most likely reminiscing their old lives when they were alive, and happy or happier that is.

In all honesty I was quite surprised that  I hadn't ran into one yet I mean it was known as the Shadows Ring, and yet all I've found here was it was very dreary, and heard the cries of the forgotten shadows. Lily and Koucom had made it sound so scary and deadly, but so far I was having good luck. It was dark and sad that was true, but I hadn't seen a real sign of danger sense I entered the Ring. One side of me was jumping with excitement at how easy this was going to be, the other side however was contradicting the thought. Why was it so easy? I stopped walking looking around me as the swished the stick around with me checking each corner around me just double checking my surroundings. As I went to check my left side something knocked me over from the right a loud screech echoing in my ears.

"Dammit!" I swore looking around me to meet a pair of yellow glowing eyes peering back at me full of hate. It screeched again this time louder flying up into the tress. I got up quickly twisting around furiously trying to find any sign of it when I heard even more screams coming from where the first had come. "Oh great it told it's friends." I said to myself sarcasm dripping from my words, before another scream echoed from around me. With that I took off running hoping and praying I wasn't to far off from the Pixies Ring, and this whole nightmare would be over soon. I could feel the Shadows catching up to me as they tried snatching at my jacket or hair to try and slow me down so they could grab me, and take my own shadow. That's what they did. They were Pan's personal assassins killing in the most painful way humanly possible. Ripping of ones shadow wasn't just excruciating it was unbearable, and if you didn't die from it you would wish you had. Pan had sent his own personal Shadow after those who wronged him, and if the Shadow didn't kill them then usually they would end up doing so themselves. Though as I looked behind me for a split second I didn't recognize any of the Shadows as Pan's which meant he wasn't there it was just all his following shadow friends. Yay.

As I ran from the angry Shadows I had completely lost sense of direction not noticing the tree right in front of me until it was to late. I hit it collapsing to the ground in pain with a now splitting headache as the Shadows surrounded me. Their eyes telling me if they could laugh they would be with tears in their eyes, and clutching their stomach in giggles. "Come on guys I've had a really hard couple of days can't you cut me some slack?!" I snarled a small smirk plastering my face as I stumbled up grabbing my stick which flame was starting to burn out. "Now see what you did the only thing that's keeping me from being as blind as a bat is almost gone. You know I've never understood that saying seeing as bat's in truth have really good eyesight. Why not as blind as a snail? Do snails have bad eyesight?" I rambled trying to distract them in someway as they looked at one another strangely as I pulled out the lighter light the stick back up again. This time with the flame growing even larger being directed at the Shadows though I will admit that part I did have a small part of. I had watched my family enough to know how to do simple magic like the basics of elements like fire, water, earth, and air.

The Shadow shrieked back from the erupting flame flying back a few inches as I flicked the wrist that wasn't holding the stick to wild the fire at them. As they seem distracted I began to back up slowly before making a run for it while they were for a moment stunned from the flames. This gave me the advantage at least for a little while before they caught on and flew ahead of me before appearing right infant of me making me jump back screams coming far from within me. "Damn Shadows can't just going scaring me like that jeez!" I yelled at them even though I knew they weren't listening if that could that is.

They then let out a ear piercing scream making me fall back onto the forest floor as I covered my ears in pain. I closed my eyes in pain as I felt a tug on my back then a strong shock erupted inside me making me scream out almost as loud as the Shadows themselves. I looked behind me to see them ripping out my Shadow small smirks covering their faces as tears streamed down my face. No, no, no this couldn't be happening. I couldn't, I wouldn't die like this. Anger built inside me before erupting a scream echoing through out me as my power exploded around me in flames burning away the Shadows. I took a deep breath looking around just making sure they were all gone before standing up slowly in pain. I grabbed the lighter from my bag from loosing the stick after the Shadows scared me before and held in just right to see my own shadow intact, and glowing. I smiled happily before I turned around looking for a way out not knowing which way to go anymore. That's when I saw a bright light come from my left, and quickly dashed for it not wanting to waste anymore time. I ran faster then ever before until I crossed over the Shadows Ring even then not slowing down much until I crashed into something falling to the floor. I looked up to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes staring back at me with curiosity. As I looked closure I noticed that the blue eyes belonged to a pale skinned boy looking around my age, but what surprised me the most was that he had pearl white hair. He smiled at me as I smiled back unsure as to what to say, but thankfully he spoke first. "Shadows?" He asked.

"Shadows." I said as we both began to laugh.

Hmmmm I wonder who this new boy with the white hair is. Any ideas? Give my your thoughts, and thanks for reading.

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