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Elena POV:

I had walked for what seemed like mere seconds. My mind wandering to everything that had happened lately. Always lingering when Peter was glanced over, but I never thought to long about him. I couldn't. Because I knew to well if I did I would go back, and things would go back to the way they were before. I would be lied to every moment of everyday, and I wouldn't be able to get rid of this darkness once and for all. Instead I thought of everything that had happened and much more. The things I wasn't even sure about, and things I was. My mind was off, and I was blocked off from everything around me. My feet having minds of there own, and taking me wherever they wished. I didn't have enough strength in me at the moment to stop them or the tears for that matter.

I didn't know where I was going. All I knew was anywhere was better then where I'd just been. A place masked with wonder. A place full of magic, and beauty. A place that looked innocent, and safe. That wasn't reality though. The reality was dark and gruesome. Something I'd knew as soon as I stepped onto the island, but I kept pushing it away. Thinking how foolish I was to think a place like Neverland could be dangerous. This was a place anything could happen if you only believed in it. How could a place like that be so evil, when it looked so beautiful on the outside? How could he be so evil, and I hadn't noticed it? How had I not noticed it?

Peter Pan was many things, but Prince Charming was not one of them. He was not kind, or trusting. Peter Pan and Neverland did not suit the characteristics given to them in stories. Because they were not jolly or sweet. Instead they were evil and dark, two faced, and untrusting, ready to stab you in the back at a moments notice. They looked beautiful, and would make you second guess everything that you'd learned. Making you believe for just a moment everything you'd been taught was a lie, and they were just misunderstood. That was not the case. They couldn't be trusted, and they were not kind or caring, and when it came down to it they didn't care one way or another if you died or not. He just didn't care. Peter Pan and Neverland just didn't care. Darkness may have been the reason things turned out like this, but it wasn't the reason why things still were.

All my problems began when Peter Pan walked into my life when I was nothing but a child, and ever sense that day my life had became some huge lie. My parents wiped my memories away, took away my magic, hid that part of me away from myself, Peter Pan took me away from my home and family for the past five years, and sense my family has been trying to get me back, and now my best friend is stuck in some bird cage. It was obvious my life was a complete mess that was in a dire need of fixing. Something I knew all to well was never going to happen.

As these thoughts lingered inside my head my feet had been on their own with no sense of direction. So I didn't know if I should be surprised or a bit confused as to where I'd ended up. I recognized it from when I had come to Neverland in my dreams as a child and Peter telling me never to come here, and if I ever did end up here to just turn back and never look back. He'd only showed me the place once as a warning, and we left right after to find Tiger Lily and go on some kind of adventure. I was standing right in front of Mermaid Lagoon.

In retrospect I probably should have taken his advice, but at the time all I saw were lies he'd spoken of, and figuring this was just another one nothing else seemed to matter. Nor did I give it any thought. I closed my eyes and let my feet take me to the shoreline. The only thing convincing me I was going the right way was the sound of the waves crashing upon the rocks nearby getting closer as I walked. Letting out a gasp of air when my feet hit the water making me open my eyes immediately. It was like a sleep walked when they woke up not knowing where they were and gasping for breath. Even though the whole time I knew exactly where I was and where I was going. Once I opened my eyes letting out that breath of maybe relief everything seemed so much more focused, and sure.

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