A beginning of a lie

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Elena POV:

I continued walking with Drew as we made our way to who know's where. He told me a little more of his past, but this time more of the fun stories that had happened. While I told him about my family back home and how they were actually fairy tale characters from the Enchanted Forest. We talked about everything and anything, and by the time we had gotten to our destination we had become the most unlikely of friends. I was just about to tell him about my 'cousin' Neal, and how he was so annoying when the Lost Boy's in front of us stopped making me almost run into them, but thankfully Drew held me back. I whispered a thank in return while we all made a circle around the one and only Peter Pan so we could hear him better. "You all know Neverland's past. You all know about the red skins, and there past here. Many years ago I drove them away, but word says they have gotten stronger, and have a plan to destroy me, along with all of you, and everything we have built. Here used to be their village. I want you all to look for anything that could tell us where they went. Now are you with me?!" Peter yelled to the crowd while they all shouted in return saying they would stand with him. Even Drew and little Joey yelled out to stand with Peter. Honestly I was shocked. There was about thirty Lost Boys Peter had befriended, and gotten on his side. Could he honestly be that bad. He couldn't have gotten thirty some souls to fallow him if he was pure evil, could he? But then that was the reason we were here. We were here to try to find the red skins whoever they were, so Peter could take them down. Either way he had a darkened heart it was a challenge, and I was never one to turn down a challenge. At least not here. Neverland changed you, and I wouldn't lie and say it hadn't changed me because it had. I was brave, strong, and not afraid to stand up to a villain such as Pan. I wasn't afraid anymore, and I suppose I could thank Neverland for that. It didn't mean I like the ruler of the island though, and was okay with the thing he did, and planned to do. Far from it actually. That's what gave me the courage to go up to him.

"What do you think your doing Pan?" I asked questioningly while he looked down at me eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, but I knew he knew exactly what I meant.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean, Elena?"

"Don't play that game with me you know exactly what I mean! Don't play dumb I'm on to you." I seethed at him as he just chuckled back. "What on earth could you be laughing at right now? Do I amuse you or something?! God why do I even bother trying with you?! All you are is a evil boy who takes happiness in hurting others!" I screamed at him storming off but not getting far as Pan grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

"Elena I'm sorry. Truly I am. It's just your so different then before, you were so quite and so innocent. I still remember every dream I gave you before the nightmares, and I regret the nightmares. Elena deep down you know everything you've heard isn't true you know I'm not evil, I'm not a villain." He said looking down at me with caring eyes while I just glared at him in return I didn't trust him nor did I believe him. There was no proof in his favor of being just misunderstood, and actually a good guy. None.

"It must be pretty far down, because I don't believe you!"  I yelled at him, but it didn't seem to faze him one bit.

"I thought you would remember your seventh birthday on the cliff after you got your memory back." He said almost speaking to himself, but I heard him, and I did remember my dream during my seventh birthday when he had showed me the cliff. It was the only reason I was giving him somewhat of a second chance. Hoping he did have a heart. I remember him crying and saying sorry over and over, along with making me promise to remember the kind him. How he asked how my life was back home, and if I had anyone. I had told him that Tristan and him were my best friends, and he had been so surprised, but at the time he had been. I remembered it all. "I guess you do remember." Peter said looking down at me while I looked up at him, but soon looked back to the ground not wanting to meet his emerald eyes. "Elena you promised me that day you wouldn't forget the good, and kind me. Did you ever think that maybe I didn't have a choice? Maybe I had to give you those nightmares, and act as if I didn't care." With that my head flew up to meet his eyes. Could I have been wrong the whole time?

Peter Pan POV:

"I thought you would remember your seventh birthday on the cliff after you got your memory back." I said acting as if I was speaking to myself, but loud enough for Elena to hear. In all honesty she has surprised me more then I care to admit, and it will be a interesting game in the making. A game of who would crush who's heart first. I had watched over her from day one, and back then she had been so innocent and would never be able to hurt a fly. But now. She had a fire in her that was growing every minute she stood in Neverland soil, and sense she had gotten here Neverland had become brighter place. Everywhere she walked the grass seemed to grow greener, and that had only happened to one other person, and they were long dead. As I looked down at Elena something flashed across her eyes saying she did remember the day on the cliff. The last day I was actually myself, but I could never be that again. Because that Peter was long dead, and all that was left was Pan once again. "I guess you do remember." I said looking down at Elena as she looked up at me then quickly looked down again. It took a lot of me not to burst out in laughter at her steeping right into my hands. She was just to easy. "Elena you promised me that day you wouldn't forget the good, and kind me. Did you ever think that maybe I didn't have a choice? Maybe I had to give you those nightmares, and act as if I didn't care." After I spoke El's head flew up to meet my eyes, her eyes full of possibilities, and a little sorrow. Like she almost blamed herself. I didn't know, and didn't care.

"What are you saying exactly?" She asked mumbling a bit, but I cold still understand her just fine.

"Elena it was the red skins, the indians as you would probably call them. They have always been after me and my Lost Boys. Always trying to figure out a new way to take me down, because they don't like the idea of anyone ruling Neverland, but themselves. They aren't good people El. I still don't know how, but somehow they found out about you, and were prepared to use you against me. I couldn't have that I couldn't loose you. So I gave you the nightmares to steer them away just until I drove them away, but by the time I did, your family had cast the spell around you, and I couldn't get to you. Elena I had to act the way I did to protect you. I did everything I did to protect you Elena, always to protect you." I told her smirking internally as she completely fell for it. It was a lie. The indians had always been quite people, but they did want to get rid of me, but not for the reason she now thought. They wanted to get rid of me because I was no longer the boy I used to be so they had ran off. Though I was starting to get a feeling like they had a new power, and were ready to use it whenever they pleased to take me down. So with Elena's help it would be much easier to take them down for good, and in the end take down Elena herself and finally get revenge on her family.

"I can't tell if your lying or not." She spoke truthfully while her eyes were a bit glassy. She was scared, and she should be.

"I'm not lying to you El, I wouldn't do that. Your back and I don't want to loose you again, but I have to get rid of the red skins to keep you and the rest of the island safe." I said carassing her cheek wanting to throw up, but I held back.

"Then I guess thank you's are in order." She laughed as I gave out a fake laugh as well.

"Will you help me then El?" I asked her hoping my lie had done the trick.

"Of course Peter." She smiled as she walked away looking for anything that could be of any help for the search. Once she had her back to me I let a smirk appear on my face. She fell for it like nothing at all. I was hoping for a bit defiance, but no she fell right for my lie. It was all to easy, and I knew I had already won.

Third POV:

As the girl Elena walked off and had her back to the evil Pan who now had a smile on his face neither one noticed the eyes poking from the bushes nearby. Nor did they notice the eyes getting closer and closer, and they were under attack, but they needed to watch first. Wait for the best moment. The game was just about to get much harder.

Hey guys hope you like the chapter sorry I haven't updated in forever I've been very busy. School's starting soon for me, and I'm going to a new school, and my nerves are getting the better of me. So sorry again, but here is another chapter and I hope you liked it. Remember to get me those twenty questions so you can get a sneak peak about Peter Pans past. Trust me it's worth it. Please comment and vote.

Question who is your favorite character, and who would you like to see more of?

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