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Elena POV:

We walked for what seemed like only mere seconds talking about silly things, but neither one of us seemed to mind. It was was quite odd how we were both so comfortable with each other when we had really only just met. Though Me and Peter seemed to hate each other from the the minute we met so this seemed so weird now with Jack. Though Peter at lest I had a little background knowledge with him, even if it wasn't the best. With Jack it was all completely foreign, and part of that scared me to no end. Though another part of me liked this knew kind of territory. Jack made me feel safe and comforted while with Peter that was a completely different story. 

With Peter I was always at risk, but a weird part of me liked that for some odd and unknown reason that I couldn't really describe in words. He was just dark and mysterious, that made up every girls dream guy. Though in those teen like fantasies, in reality he was actually some wonderful guy that only wanted to protect her.

 That however wasn't Peter though, all he wanted from me was revenge on my family, and with me that's how he could get it. I guess for all these reasons was why it made Peter so alluring. Though none the less Jack all gave me that twist of the heart. 

He was kind, funny, and a completely perfect guy that I deserved with all this going on. Jack was the kind of guy your parents wanted you to end up with. Don't get me wrong even I was convinced this was the guy for me. Forget about my plan for Peter, and just live here in this little Pixie land with Jack, and forget all my worries and regrets once and for all. To just start my life over. I knew better however. My family was waiting for me back home, the natives were counting on me, so were the Lost Boys even if they didn't realize it, and most especially me. I was counting on myself to prove to everyone that I was a real hero and was more then capable of taking care of myself and handling this problem. That I didn't need to be protected cause I could handle this.

 Though as time began to past I was having a tough time believing that. Maybe it was Peter starting to really get in my head, or maybe it was the loneliness that came with being on Neverland. I wasn't interliey sure to state the truth.

"So tell me Elena what brings you to Pixie territory? I mean not many even think twice about coming here with having to get through the Shadows Ring and all. Last person who survived the trip here was..." Jack said beginning to ramble before I interrupted him.

"Loki. Yea I know his family told me all about it before I decided to come here. Lets just say they weren't exactly happy with my decision. Speaking of which is he here, Loki I mean?" I asked looking up at Jack hopefully while he began to chuckle and smile up at nothing. "What, what is it?" I asked stepping in front of him while he looked down at me smiling.

"Come on I'll show you." Jack said grabbing my hand as he lead me away from where we were first headed.

"Jack?" I asked about to ask a question before he shushed me to be quite while I looked at him quite weirdly. "Jack I..." I spoke trying again but this time he turned toward me covering my mouth while I looked at him weirdly.

"Everything will make sense in a moment just be quiet, and it will all make so much more sense. Trust me." He said his eyes gleaming a brilliant blue while I nodded before he took his hand away from my mouth. Before continuing to lead me wherever it was we were going. 

It never even crossed my mind that Jack could be leading me into some kind or any kind of danger. Reason being there was to much of a connection between the two of us for him to ever to do such a thing. Second thing being he just wasn't like that. Honestly it wouldn't surprise if this little white haired vampire could ever even hurt a fly. He just wasn't Peter. 

Though just the thought of the youthful boy made my heart do a summersault. It was an unexplainable attrition that connected me and Peter Pan. An attraction that couldn't be fully explained but either way I loathed it. At least my brain loathed it my heart on the other hand beat strictly for it. It was the opposite for Jack. My brain told me it was a good fit while my heart still beat for Pan. 

Pan who took me away from my family. Pan who woke me with blood curdling screams erupting from somewhere deep within me each nigh because of the nightmares. Pan who till this very day clouded my thoughts from his emerald green eyes, to his habit of a smirk, to even his evil laugh. Everything about him lured me in and I hated it, but it also couldn't be stopped. He had me wrapped around his finger, and if he told me to jump I knew it wouldn't take much persuasion for me to actually do so.

Soon we stopped in a forest area with towering tress, and long silk grass pulsing all around us. I looked around mesmerized by the sight around me. The only thoughts that could describe it was naturally beautiful. Not a single flaw noticeable or a single leaf misplaced, my only question was why had Jack brought me here in the first place. I looked at him confused while he only smiled before pushing back some vines that were hanging from the tree beside us. As I looked ahead I couldn't help but allow a smile to fall upon my face. 

"Loki." I gasped smiling up at him as he turned around a bright smile lighting up his face when he saw me. 

"Elena." He said chuckling while I ran up to him as we erupted in a hug. I hadn't realized how much I had missed him. How much I had missed all of this and so much more. My memories had been taken from me yes, but that didn't stop a inner part of me from missing something. Even during the times I didn't know what I was missing, but this was it. "Look at you I haven't seen you sense you were what six?" He asked while I nodded up to him as a single tear rolled down my face in pure happiness. 

"It's so good to see you." I croaked while he chuckled, before his eyes grew dark and cold.

"Elena what are you doing here? I mean how did you even get here?" He asked confused gripping onto my shoulders while more tears rolled down my face until I was in full tears.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." Jack quickly said while Loki quick nodded back to him that it was okay while still looking at my distracted form. Once I knew Jack was gone I began in even more tears.

"Oh Loki everything is falling apart. Peter freaking Pan took my away from my home, my family. He only gave back the memories he wanted me to have, and has been trying to use me into helping him destroy the natives. Tiger Lily, Kocoum, and your parents found me giving me back all my memories. I remembered everything. Every single thing. I remembered all the good times before all this got so confusing. When everything in Neverland was at peace, and when Peter was good and kind. I remember him caring about me, and the thing is through out all this I still want that. I still want Peter to be the old Peter. A part of me doesn't even care if I go home anymore. Because sense my time here in Neverland returned I've realized some things." I said looking up at Loki while he looked down at me a bit concerned but also very intrigued. 

"I've realized Neverland is my home, and every single person on this island in some way shape or form is my family. Peter... well I don't know what he is, but I do know one thing. Neverland isn't for the faint hearted. It's a place even the greatest villeins should fear, and not for the reason Peter says. They aren't afraid of Pan. Because all Pan is is a lost scared little boy who most certainly can wield some magic. What there afraid of is what Neverland shows them. It shows them there hopes, dreams, nightmares, flaws, there greatest desires, and there weaknesses. But most importantly it shows them the truth, and that is everyones weakness. Weather they have two or one hundred the truth will always be one. It shows you everything dark in the world, but it also shows you all the most beautiful and lovely things too." I said looking Loki in the eye while he looked at me completely stunned. Maybe because he didn't know I could say all that or maybe because it had opened up his eyes like it had opened up my own when I finally realized it.

"Why are you here as in here here though?" He ask's as both sit on the forest floor facing each other. I however looked down not wanting to meet his eyes. We sat like that for minutes while I worked through every word I knew to help try to explain everything to him before coming up with what needed to be said. I took a deep breath looked up to meet his eyes and began.

"I have a plan, and I'm going to need you and the Pixies help to do it..."

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