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Elena POV:

I woke with a start, breathing heavily so many things running through my head all leading back to the one, and only Peter Pan. I knew Pan was a bad guy, I just didn't know how much until now. His darkness ran farther with me then I had first thought. The worst part was I was just finding out now, and so many times I had thought maybe I had been wrong about him. That maybe he was a good guy who was just misunderstood, that maybe he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it was all just a lie he had spun to get me to trust him. So many times I had tried to warn myself not to fall for his games like this, but I never listened. Always letting my heart get in the way of what was right in front of me. The reality of it all.

I had fallen for his tricks once to many. I had thought the island was making me stronger, braver, I thought I was becoming somebody like my family, a hero. I was wrong they were all just lies in my head Peter was helping to create.

All these stories had once been written in a book by a Author. There was always the hero, and then there was the villain. I had both in my family who all found the right way in the end thanks to love. Peter Pan didn't even know what love was, he had no heart, and he was to broken to be fixed. Though that wasn't even the downfall of it all. I wasn't even written into the stories of heroes and villains. I didn't know where I belonged in it all, and part of that could have been thanks to Peter Pan, but he wasn't the only one to blame. My family was apart of this mess too. So many times I had felt so alone, but never knew why, but I was starting to understand now. Though I had never felt so alone as I did in that very moment. I may have been hidden in the Indians tree village, but this was still Neverland. Peter Pan still lurked around every corner watching us, planning his next move. That's why we had to be ready. Ready to defeat Pan, and that's exactly what I planned to do.

I thought Neverland was changing me for the better, but really I was weak, and naive. I was done being played like a puppet, it's gone on far to long. Nobody could control my life because they didn't own me. I couldn't be owned, I wouldn't. This was no longer some little game. This was war, and it was against the ruler of this land, Peter Pan. No more false accusations of kindness and loyalty of his part, no more falling for his tricks. I was ready to get off this island, and I was ready to get rid of Pan once and for all.


"Elena?" Tiger Lily looked at me a unsure smile on her face as she saw me walking aimlessly around the hut. I smiled back happily to see my old friend running up to her giving her a hug. Both having tears run down our cheeks to see, and remember one another for the first time in many years. "I missed you so much." She said as we broke the hug smiling at one another.

"As have I, more so sense I have gotten my memories back I'm afraid, but felt all the same." I said smiling as she nodded wiping away her stray tears.

"Elena you must know though with my own words I truly did try to protect you from Pan, will all did Kocoum, Lamara, Kekata the whole village. He was just so strong we couldn't stop him, by the time we even got the opportunity he had given you the nightmares, and your family had cast the spell to try and protect you." Tiger Lily stuttered trying to explain while I laughed at her.

"Lily I'm not mad with you or anyone in the tribe. How could have you possibly stopped Pan? His played this game much longer then any of us, but that doesn't mean he can't be stopped." I said with as much bravery as I could muster into my words that I knew must be believed in. If Peter Pan had taught me anything it was belief is everything. It's one thing for the one's around you to believe in you, and your cause, but it's another not to believe in it yourself. The thing is you need both to succeed in a world with magic especially a place like Neverland a place made purely of belief.

"Elena what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Pan has got away with his games long enough, and it's time someone fired back. He thinks his invisible that it's his game, and nobody can beat him. Because everyones to afraid to, and I don't blame you or anyone else for that. I just can't live like that though. It's time someone gave him a taste of his own medicine. It's time someone stood up to him, and put him in his place. It about time someone beat him at his own little game, and it's going to be me, but I need your help. You, and your people I need you to stand and fight with me. Against Pan, and maybe even a few Lost Boys, but I need you to fight with me." I said every word coming from deep within my soul. Pan had won enough games it was time to break that winning streak once and for all. Lily was amazed by my words, but before she could say anything they were shouts from around us, and members of the tribe came out holding their weapons high above their heads. Kocoum, Lamara, and Kekata shouting and standing with them, but also making their way toward me.

"It's been long time sense someone sparked something within our hearts. Something worth fighting for, and believing in. It was once said a true heart would step onto Neverland soil, and change the island as we knew it. We had thought that was you father Henry sense he had the heart of the truest believer, and him along with the rest of your family took down Pan for a time being. Hearing your words, and seeing what your willing to do. We now know it wasn't your father the island along with all of us have been waiting for, Elena it's you. It's always been you." Lamara said as she smiled happily at me as Kocoum and Kekata held out their weapons to me.

"Me along with my people will stand with you until the end." Kekata said bowing to me in respect as every other indian in the tribe followed in suit. I looked around me finally understanding something. One, this was something Pan would never win. He would never get the respect from the people around him honestly, and without it nobody would truly believe him either. That meant he could be stopped easier then first thought. Second, I was finally starting to realize what my family had meant about being a hero in my own way, without having any powers helping me along the way.

I had just found out that I did have powers somewhere in me, but yet I hadn't used them. I could have learned how to use them somehow by now, and had figured out someway to take Pan down with them, but I didn't. I was using myself, and everything I had already learned to plan how to take down Pan, and get home. I was right I was nothing like my family, but maybe that was a good thing. It didn't matter if you had powers or just your head, and your two bare hands. They both could do great good, but both could do great evil. There wasn't one better then then the other because it was the steady beating heart inside us all the truly defined us, and made us who we were. Though any heart could be persuaded to change for the better, but also the worse. Yes I did plan to take down Pan, and yes I did plan on going home, but I was no longer going to do it the way I had first planned. I was going to try and change Peter Pan for the better. I was going to open up Peter Pans heart the most difficult job I had ever concurred, and that's exactly what I was going to do. I was going to win Pans game just not the way anyone thought.

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