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Elena POV:

A land once coated in darkness now shined brightly in the light. I still had trouble believing I was the reason for this change. Me, Elena Pan, was the reason there was once again light and fun in Neverland. A land full of youth and adventure. After I'd almost died during the Great Neverland War and Clare had given me her life source, which was the life of Neverland darkness had completely vanished, and that was thirteen years ago.

In that time I'd gotten to know who Peter really was and after years and years of waiting he finally asked me for my hand in marriage, and best yet my family came together and had even learned to care for Peter as I had. It took much consideration but he decided to keep Pan as his last name of sorts to remind him of what his life used to be, but if you follow your heart and learn to love even the darkest things can disappear. In a way it was suppose to symbolize our love for one another.

Our life was a good as one could imagine, but something was still missing. However that all changed soon enough.


"In here darling!" I called out to my daughter.

Marlee Clara Pan.

A perfect combination of both me and Peter. She had her fathers emerald eyes, and his smile and mischievous smirk, but she had my thick brown hair and facial structure. However best of all she had her parents sense of adventure and curiosity.

"Aren't you coming mom, Papa is waiting for us. You are coming aren't you?" My seven year old daughter continued, jumping on the balls of her feet, a large smile on her face.

"Of course I am, nothing would stop me from going on our annual picnic at the cove." I smiled at her happily while grabbing her hand as she helped me stand up as I gripped the table.

"Nothing?" She asked looking at me shyly and a bit unsure.

"Absolutely, now and forever, when you need me I'll be there." I said as she smiled brightly hugging me around the waist as best she could.

"Didn't I tell you thats what your mother would say? Nothing can keep her down." Peter said coming up to us as he picked up Marlee and set her on his hip as he kissed me passionately as Marlee whined in response as we laughed at her. Both kissing her on the cheek.

"Can we go now please, Jack said he'd freeze the cove and teach me to ice skate?" Marlee begged and pleaded as Peter set her down.

"Well then I guess in that case we better getting going." Peter said as he began to chase her playfully as she squealed happily leaving me to catch up to the both of them laughing happily and my incredible family.

"Oh little one do you have your work cut out for you, but I promise we will love and care about you more than anything. Though I must warn you we're a bit strange, mad even, but the best people are, and because of that you'll fit in no matter what." I told the little bump that was my stomach, smiling happier then I'd ever been.


Well thats it guys, hope you liked it . Let me know in the comments what you thought and all that amazing stuff.

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