His is Peter Pan

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Peter Pan POV:

Out of a thousand thing that could have happened I had never dreamt this would ever be the case. Elena had truly lost her memories. Her memories of Neverland, StoryBrooke, her family, the Lost Boys, me, and even herself. She had lost everything that had every happened to her. What she had just went through, and this put my plans on hold. It put everything on hold. Part of me, the part that was corrupted with darkness and couldn't be controlled. That part of me was angered who knew where this new path could lead me, and all because of this girls lost memories. Though the part of me that still was worth saving was just happy to have her back. Because she wasn't just some girl to this part of me. She was my entire life even if the dark side didn't want to admit it. Still everything I did all lead back to Elena.

Now she didn't even know who that was. She certainly didn't know who I was. Though maybe that was for the best. At least way maybe she could be introduced to a different Peter Pan. Somebody who didn't have darkness lurking within in them. Yes, I couldn't get rid of it, but maybe I could hide it from her, maybe just maybe I could show her a different life here in Neverland with me. A life of light with darkness hidden within. It would be better then the past.

Though if I knew anything about Elena was she wouldn't let anything go unnoticed. If she thought even for a second I was keeping something from her she would find out what it was. Even if that thing would get her killed, and if was anyone else they probably would end up killed if I found out about it, but this was Elena. I couldn't hurt Elena. This was Elena, and I cared and needed to protect her in my own crazy and strange way. Looking at what I'd done people would most certainly all me evil and a villain, but I just didn't see it like that. No, in my own crazy way I saw myself as a kind of hero. Because all in all I was trying to protect the most important thing to me. I was protecting Elena. From the evil, the villain's, the darkness, all things that made up me, but I couldn't let her go either. So I did things the only way that got me both those things even if it wasn't the best from an outsiders view point.

"Peter Pan? What a strange name." El hummed to herself squinting at the distance around her thinking to herself. Her eyebrows creasing together in thought, and I couldn't help but chuckle as she quickly looked up at me bashfully. "I like it." She said smiling at me making a small blush fall upon my cheeks. So small in fact she probably didn't even notice it or at least I hoped not.

"Good because I can't really change it." I chuckled as she laughed.

"No you can't, and I'm glad you can't I wouldn't let you anyway. It fits you." She said looking out ahead of her as I did the same. She had no idea how much the name fit me. Fit me to the very core. Peter, he came from the light and try to be good for El and 'her'. Pan was a totally different story. He was dark, dangerous, and above else we was an evil killer. Not with a sword, and maybe not even with magic but he made you think and second guess everything until you went crazy. That's what he'd done to me at least. I just prayed he wouldn't do the same thing to Elena. She was all I had left. "So tell me what does Peter Pan like to do, what are the factors that make up Peter Pan?"Elena asked as I put my chin on top of her head in thought. I couldn't say the dark things that made up Peter Pan. Though there were things that made up Peter that weren't so dark and demeaning. I could always make it up any way. It would just be harder to keep things away from Elena, but I had to try.

"Well lets see. Who is Peter Pan? Well his a boy that above all else he never wants to grow up. He wants to live a life of adventure. From exploring, playing games with his brothers, and fighting pirates. He can wield a bit of magic, but also a sword, and knows how to use both spectacularly." I said as Elena laughed as I began to get very egocentric, though it was true.

"Is that some self-obsorvedness I'm hearing there Mr. Peter Pan?" She asked laughing a big smile sitting happily upon her face. It truly was breath taking, and I would do anything for it never to leave. Her eyes were bright and she just seemed so happy. I wish she could always be like that .

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